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Be positive and not a constant complainer. By being negative, you are just setting yourself up for failure. By being negative, you are reminding yourself all of the time about negative things. You will have a hard time succeeding if you are constantly feeding yourself negative thoughts.
Here’s an interesting concept to ponder: Successful people focus on the future and it pulls them up. Unsuccessful people focus on the negative experiences or perceived limitations of the past and it pulls them down.
The truth is that there is no “in between” on the path to success. You’re either being pulled up or pulled down. Any attempt to remain in a straight line will pull you down eventually.
Replace every negative thought with a positive one immediately. Try going one day with just positive thoughts. I’m not going all mystical on you; I’m just expressing a solid belief.
If you are going to partner up with others and work with other people, then be positive at all costs… even if you feel negative!
Just remember the same thing your parents told you as a kid, be careful with whom you associate. The law of association is just as true as an adult as it is as a child.
You are the combined average of the five people you associate with the most. This includes the way you walk, talk, eat, dress, think, and the financial success you will attain.
It is literally impossible to have a positive attitude if you surround yourself with people with negative attitudes. You really have to assess who it is you associate with. Does this sound harsh? Maybe so, but it’s not intended that way.
Think of it this way… when I graduated college and went into my next venture, did I just take all my buddies with me? Did they take me with them? Of course not!
The truth is that we all venture down different paths and begin new things in life. Just make a habit of associating with successful people who have achieved or are achieving the same goals and desires you have as one of those changes in your life.
This doesn’t mean you need to eliminate contact with friends. After you take your assessment it will be clear that there are certain people you spend 2 days with now that you need to bring down to 2 hours, or 2 minutes or even disassociate with completely.
The same is true for positive people right now you spend 2 minutes with that you need to bring up to 2 hours or 2 days! The whole point is to be conscious of your associations and recognize the tremendous power and influence it will have on you.