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With the passage of time, many new viral strains are being created that are harming the human population in one or the other way. Swine Influenza is one virulent form of the recently modified and mutated infections, being caused by one of the many types of Swine Influenza Virus (SIV), which includes Influenza C and the sub-types of Influenza A commonly, H1N1, H1N2, H3N1 and H2N3.
Swine Influenza is an extremely contagious acute respiratory disease. It is quite popular amongst pigs unlike being unpopular in human beings and transmission of the virus to latter is not common and does not always lead to Human influenza, instead only causes the production of antibodies in the blood in some cases.
Though it does not affect the human population, but the 2009 strain of Swine Influenza has been reported to have transmitted through humans. This type of influenza is named as “zoonotic” Swine Influenza as it got carried from the pig’s population to that of human’s possibly by way of their direct contact. People with regular exposures to the pigs are most probable at receiving the ailment.