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Two of the biggest problems most people face in today’s society related to divorce, is a lack of commitment towards their marriage and infidelity. Commitment may be lacking in one of the partners because the marriage “happened” and they were not really in love. Maybe the wife was pregnant and the husband just did the RIGHT THING to keep the peace within the families. This partner may have felt forced in the marriage and now they are trapped, angry, resentful and bored. Spouses who are unhappy will NOT be loyal to their partners.
No communication between spouses
Without communication no relationship can work. Keeping your resentments simmering within you is very unhealthy. Your partner does not know what is happening with you, so this is likely to create distance between both of you. An explosive boiling point is the usual result of no communication as one partner eventually looses it on the other.
Abandonment, Alcohol Addiction, Substance Abuse
When one of the partners deserts his or her spouse for a certain time or an indefinite period divorce emerges as the answer. This can even be in the form of spending excessive amounts of time at the local bar. Sitting in the house getting drunk or under the influence of drugs will ultimately cause the relationship to fail too. If one person is doing the drugs and the other is not, there is really not that much the relationship has going for it. The two people are obviously at different ends of the spectrum.
Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Emotional Abuse
These types of abuses are not uncommon and tolerating them is NEVER acceptable. A spouse who loves himself or herself would not put with such abuses on his family or loved one. Many times we see the other person protect their abusive spouse and even make excuses for the bruises or marks on their bodies. The fact is once you realize the extent of the control in your relationship; the decision can only be one of two choices. Stay and take the abuse or leave and live your life free of abuse.
Inability to manage or resolve conflict
Lack of maturity disables people to manage conflicts and handle personality differences. Young people/teenagers getting married have less of a chance because they do not have enough life experiences to base their lives on. Sometimes this is because of a pregnancy and the two teenagers feel it is better for their child to be married. Usually within a few years they are divorced because of the strain of raising children as no more than children themselves.
Differences in Personal and Career Goals
People who live together before marriage have higher rates of divorce than people who didn’t. Distance enters the marriage and the relationship broadens to the point of complete breakdown. Sometimes the conflict is about jealousy as one spouse is bent on competing with the other over a job or career.