Announcing The Brand New, 10 Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You...
Finally...Watch as a Former Web Security Expert Reveals How You Can Protect Your Identity While Surfing Online, Starting Today...In This Step by Step Video Course
While 99% of the population won't do anything until it's too late, you'll be ahead of everyone else and less of a target. Don’t know where to start? Most of this video course is screen-captured video, meaning you'll see everything on my screen as I walk you through the whole process.
Dear Friend,
You’re information isn’t 100 percent safe online. I’m not trying to scare you but it’s true, and my goal today is to help you as best I can.
Millions of people have their identities stolen each year.
In April 2014, the NSA revealed one of the biggest vulnerabilities known to history called the Heartbleed Bug.
It affected the majority of websites out there.
Even large sites like Yahoo were compromised.
According to officials in a U.S. Department of Defense statement, “Heartbleed undermines the encryption process on secure websites, email, instant messaging and likely a variety of other programs and applications, potentially putting users’ sensitive personal data — such as usernames, passwords and credit card information — at risk of being intercepted by hackers."
So that means even if you were proactive, hackers in this case could still access your information.
There are ways to combat this by centralizing your passwords and updating them frequently.
Of course, there are other ways to secure your identity as much as possible as well.
The reality of it all is that your information is not going to be 100% safe. But what you do online and depending on how you do it can cause you to easily open yourself up to security breaches.
Now, I want you to realize that none of this should prevent you from going about your business online.
Yet it should be a wakeup call to ensure you are being proactive.
So what do you need to do and what can you do right now to protect your online identity?