Announcing The Brand New, 10 Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You...
“Finally, Learn How to Use Cloud Email Effectively So You Can Increase Your Email Deliverability Rates and Reach More Readers, Without Paying Hefty Monthly Fees That Break The Bank… Starting Today.”
This specific training course was designed to help you watch over my shoulder, step-by-step, click by click, to ensure that you are able to successfully and effectively set up your email marketing campaign.
Dear Email Marketer,
It's true that the money is in the list, but the problem is there are high costs involved with some services, and low deliverability rates which basically means that the emails that you sent out are not really going into people’s inboxes, but instead going to people’s spam folders.
Here is a list of problems people face by using certain third party autoresponder services:
?Monthly fees that continue to grow the larger your list grows (and most services charge even for duplicates that show up on different segmented lists)
? Double opt-in requirement
? Importing emails can be a problem
What about Hosted Scripts where you can host the emailing system on your server?
This can be complicated to integrate, and if you’re using just one IP address then your server could easily be blacklisted.
So while you could use scripts that are hosted on your web hosting accounts or website, this solution can be problematic, especially when you begin to start emailing and people begin to report your IP address as a spammer (even though you are really not a spammer).
Ultimately what happens is that your IP address can be blocked and this is problematic simply because when you try to email your list it goes to their spam folder. So, you want to make sure that you avoid this problem and go around this roadblock.
Then at this point most people want to go back to a 3rd party autoresponder service.
Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of many of these services, I want to show you another solution.
How would you like to import your emails easily, keep your costs down to $7-10 per month, increase your deliverability, track your statistics, and much more…?
We’ve sifted through and tested many services and finally found a diamond in the rough - while losing lots of time and money so you don’t have to.
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