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Chapter 8: Eat Healthy to Help you Detox
Detox is being characterized as the physical process for body and mind. It is also considered as one of the efficient recovery plans that have the power to maintain and achieve your long term sobriety.
The detox program is proven effective that will provide your body with health benefits. You can also add some of the detox foods in your diet if you prefer. The following are some of the healthy foods that will help you detoxify.
Healthy Detox Foods
It is typically found in fatty acids specifically in omega 3s. It has the potential in maintaining the normal function of your immune system and it is essential for cleansing functions. It will also help you in keeping the normal function of your brain. It is also responsible for the health of the cell that is within your body especially in getting the appropriate amount of fatty acids.
This kind of detox foods is rich in protein, magnesium, calcium and fiber that will help you stabilize your blood sugar and eliminate impurities from your bowel movement.
It usually contains antioxidant and potent anti-cancer compounds that are responsible for cleaning your body and removing the harmful substances. It is rich in fiber that will help you have a healthy intestinal tract. Just like cabbage, the kale will also help you neutralize the compounds and substances that are present within your body.
It is high in fiber that will help you lower your cholesterol level, regulate your blood sugar and clean your intestines. It will also protect your body against illnesses and diseases like cancer.
It is one of the underrated vegetables that are abundant in the western part of the world. According to a scientific study, seaweed will remove the radioactive waste that is present in your body. The radioactive waste is typically found in contaminated soil and it is considered as the sources of the power of minerals.
It is also known as liver detoxifiers. It is rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is one of the essential vitamins that your body should get to produce a compound called glutathione. The vitamin C that is present lemon will help you fight cancer and occurrence of cell damage.
It contains aspirin that is responsible for preventing tissue damage and chronic inflammation. It will serve as antibiotics by blocking the bacteria in your urinary tract and to avoid infections.
It has antiviral substances and powerful antibiotic that will protect your body from viruses and harmful bacteria that are within your urinary tract.
It has a blend of natural chemicals and minerals and it has the ability to fight blood purifiers, liver cleansers and infections. It will also help you to boost your body’s oxygen and it serves as a body cleanser. It also stabilizes your alkaline balance for healthy detoxification.
It contains glutathione that has the ability to lower your cholesterol level and block the toxics that are within your blood vessel. The presence of glutathione will help you have a healthy body and it will also help you avoid arthritis.
Chapter 9: Use Affirmations to Stay on Course
The use of affirmations is considered as one of the effective and simple ways in achieving your sober resolutions. Affirmation is a kind of statement that is often repeated in your mind. Concentration is not totally required since the affirmations has the power to boost your perspective and thinking drastically.
The presence of affirmations towards achieving your supreme sobriety will play a vital role in maintaining sober resolutions. The following are some of the helpful ways and uses of affirmations that can help you in creating your sober resolutions.
Uses of Affirmations
The mental chatter is considered as one of the stumbling blocks, complexities and difficulties that most people encounter today. The mental chatter is also being classified as the voice that is within your head that will keep on telling you that you can’t do what you are capable of.
The affirmations are incredibly powerful especially during the moments that you experience anxiety, panic and fear. It does not require mentoring and coaching since the power is within you and needs to be developed.
Affirmations will Transform your Thinking Instantaneously
Affirmations will help you focus on the positive aspects in life and you can immediately control of it. When you are in full control, you can easily feel relieve and when you feel powerless, your worries and fears will not be controlled. Don’t focus on your fear but instead make use of affirmations since it will give you with a new focus.
Affirmations are Effective especially when Change is Difficult
The real meaning of change comes with your thoughts, words and deeds. For example, your first thought is that you are finally tired of being obese and you must say you need to engage with fitness program in order to lose weight fast and get rid of your unwanted fats.
Affirmations have the ability to transform your life even without the presence of mentoring and coaching since it will give you with control and sense of authority. Affirmations will serve as your reminder that you are totally powerful.