Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Identifying your target audience is a key part of any marketing campaign, but when you’re talking about building your opt-in mailing list it’s only a small portion of it. You also need to consider what it is that your customers are looking for in visiting your website, and what is going to appeal to them enough that they will be willing to give you their contact information in order to receive it.
Like I mentioned earlier, there is no 100% guaranteed method of opt-in list building, and this is why. There is nothing that all of your customers are going to want, all at the same time-unless you’re offering a million dollar giveaway, and we’ll talk about why that’s a bad idea in just a moment! Seriously though, your customers’ diverse range of interests, ideas and desires are going to make finding that one special incentive that will appeal to them a challenge.
As a general rule there are two things that your clientele are going to be looking for: information and products. If you can provide them with one or the other you’ll be well on your way not only to getting them to opt-in to your mailing list, but convincing them that they want to stay on your mailing list. We’ll talk about the process of handing out products and samples as an incentive to opt-in in a little more detail when we get into our strategy session, so for the moment let’s talk about wheeling and dealing in information.
Information is the most valuable, most widely accessible and most difficult to come by asset on the web. Why? Everyone wants it, and no one wants to take the time to get it. What am I talking about? What happened the last time that you went looking for information on the Internet? I’ll tell you what happened. You entered a query into a search engine box, then spent the next two or three hours reading website after website after website to walk away with the same information you read in the very first article-which really wasn’t what you were looking for in the first place.
Thanks to the process of search engine optimization there are hundreds of websites out there at the top of the list in a search engine search for their subject that don’t really have anything valuable to offer. Web surfers looking for quality information on a particular topic are doomed to spend hours of their time searching.
Imagine that you are one of those browsers. If someone offered you a way to get a large quantity of quality information without having to search site after site, what would you say to them? You’d probably ask them where you needed to sign! As an information marketer this is exactly what you want your clientele to do-sign up for your mailing list in exchange for the valuable information that you have to offer.
How do you determine what it is that your clients want from you? When considering the question of using information or product marketing you should consider your market and what they were looking for when they came to your site in the first place. A good tracker should show you the links that have been directing traffic to your site, so it should be easy to pinpoint what advertisements and keywords are working for you.
If the majority of your customers are directed to your site from an advertisement detailing your products and services you can almost guarantee that you are working with a product-oriented group of browsers that are going to be interested in information but aren’t going to view it as a driving source. On the other hand, if your customers are repeatedly coming to you via the search engines and your alternate selection of keywords (other than your product name, that is) or if you find that your content pages are regularly being browsed you are sitting on a potential goldmine for wheeling and dealing in information.
You’re never really going to know before you launch a campaign what’s going to appeal to your clientele more, so you really need to just take a deep breath and take the plunge. If you’re offering a product sample and your visitors aren’t choosing to opt-in, switch over to a newsletter or other source of information. You can combine this information with special coupons and product offers to make it more appealing, combining the two to make it doubly appealing.