Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Up to this point, you’ve worked on yourself…the stinkin’ thinkin’ thing…you’ve found out that you’ve already “written” several dozen e-books in your life…you’ve also found out that it ain’t so bad to fail! You’ve also learned how to work on your mind…or, rather, work with it a LOT better. That’s a good little bit in just 15 pages or so!
The next 5 chapters are VERY task-oriented. They’ll give you step-by-step instructions on how to actually turn an idea into a good, profitable e-book. You’ll be working pretty hard during those 5 chapters.
But, if I had to pick the most important chapter in this book…it’s this one!
In this chapter we’re going back to working on you…and that’s the most important part of this whole project.
Look, it’s time to REALLY figure out if this is what you want to do…really do! If you’re not willing, or ready, to set aside 4 hours for each of the next 5 days/nights to finish up your very own product…your very own e-book…then you need to take a minute and think about that.
Why are you even reading this book? Something must’ve struck a chord in your brain…something must’ve sparked a NEED in you…or you wouldn’t have bought this book in the first place, right? Let’s look a little deeper here.