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Search engine optimization is certainly a buzz-phrase these days. It includes any effort to make a site more visible in search engines including content development, keyword usage and other elements. For affiliate marketers, one of the primary means of SEO flows naturally from pay-per-click advertising.
The more traffic a site gets, the more search engines will regard it as a good site. This means that all the traffic generated from the pay-per-click campaign feeds in to the search engine optimization effort.
Some affiliate marketers spend a great deal of time on other SEO efforts and some do not.
It's really up to the individual marketer. Some successful affiliate marketers rely entirely on the traffic their paid advertising drives to the site for their SEO and get good results from doing so.
Remember that good content is a major part of SEO today and that keywords and other meta-tag dependent methods have diminished in importance.
One thing to avoid is any sort of attempt to "trick" a search engine. A common example of this is putting text which is the same color as is the background on a page in an effort to "stuff" keywords. Search engines catch on to this, and other tricks, very fast. Once they do, count on the site being eliminated from the index. Read the various policies of the search engines and follow them to the letter. Provided that there's good content on one's site, expect to be rewarded with good placement after the site has been around long enough to attract a decent amount of traffic.
Email Lists
For many affiliate marketers, email lists constitute their second-most important form of marketing, behind pay-per-click advertising. Getting a good list and properly managing it are imperative concerns in making a successful affiliate marketing site.
Offering a newsletter to visitors is a great way to build a list. The best spot in which to place the sign-up link is usually the upper right-hand side of the page. This tends to make it very visible and not easily confused with the navigation which is typically at the top or left-hand side of the page. If one's content is good, clients will likely find some potential value in signing up for the newsletter.
Once one has their list together, be sure not to saturate the subscribers with advertisements. There is probably nothing less attractive than this pitfall and it has the effect of making the marketer come off as if they were spamming their clients which is definitely something to be avoided.
Send out newsletters with relevant, interesting and timely information. This is akin to writing a blog in which the goal is to actually offer something of value to the customer rather than to simply try to entice them to buy a one product or another. When subscribers get used to informative and interesting newsletters from an email list, they'll be much more likely to take any sales pitches that they receive from the marketer that much more seriously. The marketer's credibility, again, comes into play.
One's email list is one of the most important marketing tools available. This list should be maintained and kept free of erroneous addresses and any clients who unsubscribe should be immediately removed from the list and receive no other contact via email other than a confirmation letter. To do otherwise risks running afoul of the spam policies of the ISPs.
Remember that one can use one's newsletter as a way of building up to a new product. One could have interesting articles regarding a particular topic that directly relates to a new product that one is about to begin marketing. This is a good way to build interest without over-pitching anything to subscribers.
There is something to be said for keeping in contact with the list members, especially if one wants to make a sales pitch. Generally, it's very bad form to email nothing out to the list members and then to suddenly hit them with an advertisement. In most cases, such an advertisement will be simply ignored and many of the list members may simply opt-out of the list based on feeling like they’re being offered nothing from their membership aside from the occasional sales pitch. If, for some reason, it's impossible to send out regular emails to one's list for a period of time, be certain to send out a few non-sales oriented newsletters before approaching the list members with a new product pitch.
The Site and its Content
While blogs have been credited with changing the face of media and this is, to a large degree, entirely true, they have also changed the definition of a website. It is possible and even advisable to develop an entire affiliate site around a blog model.
There are numerous blogging technologies available which are easy to install and setup on a web server. They provide a very easy means of updating content and can automatically display any given number of past posts and information. Management of the content and making sure it is of high-quality is key. It's also important that one not misuse their digital real estate.
Articles and Content
The articles contained on the blog, as is the case with the newsletter, should not be solely directed toward offering sales pitches. There should be interesting content included. This means that one must either be able to write themselves or that they must contract the service out. There are free methods of getting content, some of which have already been described, but these must be used intelligently.
If one is writing their own content, be certain that it is related to the topic of the website. If one sells dating site memberships and treadmills, for instance, content related to one or the other should probably not be made to coexist on the same site. A good axiom is "Make a theme park, not a mall."