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Summertime Jobs for Teens
Most teenagers look forward to the time when they’re old enough to get their first summertime job. The summertime job helps countless teens take control of their financial futures in a way that can’t be done without a job and income.
A teenager with a summertime job will learn about money management, time management, building a network, and so much more. There are even some studies that show that grades are higher among teens who work as compared to those who do not. There really is not much of a downside of having a summertime job for teens.
=> The Many Benefits of Having a Summertime Job
As a parent you want your teenager to grow up and leave your home understanding how to navigate the world as a fully functioning adult. As a teen, you just want some money without having to ask your parents. Most people learn life lessons better if they experience them. For this reason, a summertime job is an excellent way to expound on the lessons you teach your child with your goal in mind. Let’s look at some of the many benefits of teens having a summertime job.
Learn Time Management
Having a job more than almost anything else can teach you about time management. You must be at work on time, and you also must still do all the other tasks of daily living required of people - such as cleaning up after yourself at home, doing household chores, summer reading and yes, also having fun with friends. Learning to do everything that you want to do in life requires the ability to schedule and stick to a schedule.
Learn Money Management
Earning an allowance is one way to learn money management, but something changes when a child gets their first "real" job with a real paycheck that is paid by someone other than Mom and Dad. They start to feel some pride in earning that money, and that will continue if you let them learn money management by letting them pay for many of their own needs and wants from the money they earn.
Learn about Teamwork
Working with others in a job is excellent teamwork training, almost better than playing sports. You learn to trust the other members of the team to do their part so that you can do your part, and the customer has no idea what it took to bring together their to-go bag of sandwich, salad, and drink.
Learn to Deal with Authority Figures
It’s one thing dealing with your parents and even teachers. But it’s an entirely different feeling dealing with authority figures who aren’t your parents in a professional way. By taking a summertime job, a teenager can learn how to negotiate with a boss on pay, time off, and other aspects of building a work-life balance.
Learn to Deal with the Public
There is nothing quite like dealing with the public regularly in a job. When you do that, you learn things from an entirely new perspective. It’ll make you a better citizen and a better consumer understanding what goes into the products and services that you use from the point of view of the person delivering those services.
Learn to Build Relationships
Making new friendships, making professional connections, and building that network starts now, not after college. The people your child works with may be huge influences in their life today and tomorrow. Maintaining and building those relationships and connections now via summertime jobs is an excellent way to teach the power of networking.
Learn to Develop a Work Ethic
One of the most important lessons anyone can learn in life is developing a work ethic. A work ethic means that they get to work on time, leave on time, and give it their all while they’re working without being on electronic devices and messing around. Learning that now while a teenager is going to pay off later in life.
Additionally, some studies show that teenagers who work 19 hours a week get better grades. This is probably due to practicing better time management and simply learning more about life in the real world. Like reading more helps a person become more well-rounded, so does working around different people and in various types of jobs as a teenager.
=> Types of Jobs You Can Do at Different Ages
Every state and area have their own rules about who can do a particular job at what age. Therefore, check in your area what is allowed and what is not allowed, but use this list as a guide for helping your teenager figure out what type of job that they would like to find for themselves.
* Babysitting – This is a time-honored profession among teenagers from 13 years of age and on up, depending on the rules in your area. Check with your local Red Cross for information about CPR training and babysitting training to set up your child for success. If you attend church, one way to start your teen with child care is to let them advertise in the church bullpen as a "mommy’s helper" for the summer.
* Car Washing and Detailing – This is an easy business to start that most teenagers can do, especially if they have their own car and can drive to the where the cars are easily. This service is often done on site where people work, but it can also be done in the neighborhood.
* Cleaning Service – Some teenagers like starting their own cleaning service. They might clean and organize a garage or storage shed, or they might do normal household chores like cleaning windows and mopping floors.
* Technical Services – If your teen is good with technology, they can start a computer repair service, or help other people with their needs. For example, if your teenager is good at editing video, they can start a video editing service.
* Pet Walking / Care – Another job that teens have performed for ages is pet care and pet walking. A teen can often find enough people right in their own neighborhood to pay them enough to save money and not have to work fast food.