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Whatever you decide to use as your ultimate business idea, it must be something that inspires passion in you. You need to love what you’re doing to keep going.
So, what is it you really love to do? What gets you up in the morning? If you’re someone who would hold off a meeting with St. Peter at the Pearly Gates to just finish that last scrap-booking page that’s probably a good place for you to start. If you love the idea of a perfect golf game, look there. If walking in the woods is something you need to stay sane, look for business ideas in that area. The key is that it must be something that you absolutely love to do.
Sit down and write up a list of everything you love to do, or would love to find out more about. Write as many things down as you possibly can. Once you have a bunch of ideas, begin to see business ideas in those different headings. For example, scrap booking. Here you have the supplies, the know-how, the time, the place, etc. These ideas can lead to different business ideas like: scrap booking supplies, manuals and reports on how to set up a page, different techniques, etc., tools and ideas for organizing your time and space to be able to scrapbook more efficiently etc. Each one of those sub-areas could be a business idea.
Now look online to see what others are doing. Is there a hole somewhere that you could fill? Can you find an already-made product that could be promoted to the people who are experiencing this “hole”?
Another way to find a great niche to market is to join several forums on your topic of choice, and poke around to see what creates the most frustration. Can you solve that problem? Maybe you need to write an e-book (not as hard as it sounds, I promise!), find a supplier, or create a product. Whatever it is, take the time to research your market and find a place that is needed but not overcrowded.
Also, look for something that can be more computer-generated than a physical product unless you can find a company that is already set up to handle orders from you and drop-ship those orders to your customer. That way you’re bound to have success with little hassle. Most MLM companies today fill this last requirement if you’re interested.