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You want to become successful. You can feel that there is more to life than what you are presently enduring. It has crossed your mind more than once that maybe you are doing things the wrong way. You need a new approach to ensure you give life your best shot at becoming one of the individuals that history can never forget. You can make your indelible mark on the line of history as a successful person by trying some Success Rituals.
You are right about needing an approach to attain success. Success Rituals shares insight into steps that successful individuals conduct daily and some that you might want to implement in your life.
The natural order of life is that things go through stages. Take for instance the process that it takes to create a child. In the womb, there are a series of steps, and after birth, there is another. Nevertheless, each child develops at a different pace. Some kids walk or talk before what is considered the “expected time” for them to do so. Success Rituals are processes that individuals endure to become prosperous. Achievements during the stages are different for everyone. However, there are similarities in each stage of the Success Rituals, just as how there are similarities in the stages to produce a child, but the outcome differs.
Success Rituals have certain fundamentals that every successful individual had to do, and some which they had to learn how to overcome. Likewise, you must decide without any form of doubt that you too will have to work hard and overcome whatever obstacles you will encounter on your journey.
You might be the one that will develop before the expected time frame for one to become a success. Do not delay for another minute. It is time to discover empowering Success Rituals, which will assist you to conquer your fears and progress on your destined journey of prosperity.
Chapter 1: Success Rituals Fundamentals
Do not be scared of the word rituals. Ritual is just a synonym of the word habit. We all know that our thoughts and actions over a period of time will determine how we progress in life. Positive rituals yield positive results, and negative rituals will produce undesirable results. We have many rags to riches story, and you might be a rags story awaiting the right rituals to change your situation to riches. You will never know until you examine your life and make the necessary modifications. It is time to change your perception about rituals.
Learn To Discover Your Talents
You will find individuals with similar Success Rituals, but they all produce different results. This is because everyone has different opportunities and how we react to situations is different. Notably, persons will have similar talent, but each talent comes with a unique ability. If you do not discover the uniqueness that comes with your talent, you might never truly stand out from the others that are in the exact field as you are. If you cannot produce extraordinary results, then your advancement will be either mediocre or below average. Mediocre and below average results will never give you the title of a successful person.
You will only discover the uniqueness that comes with your talent after you have started using your talent. Let us take a look at some Success Rituals Fundamentals that you must ensure you develop. Build your rock-solid Success Rituals starting with those listed on the ladder below:
The first step on the Success Rituals Fundamentals is to believe in YOU. If you do not believe in yourself, you will never really discover your true potentials. Apart from finding what hidden treasures of skills you have buried within, is knowing, how and when you are at your best. Some people will tell you that they think better having a hot cup of coffee. Some after they take a shower or go for a jog, then ideas will start to overflow in their head. Think back to the time you were able to unravel your best idea. What were you doing at the time that happened and where were you when that happened?
If possible, go back to the exact location and repeat the same action of what you were doing, and try to discover more great ideas. You will need to purchase a notebook. It is imperative that you always have something close by to write down your thoughts. I am suggesting that you get a notebook because ideas will pop in your head at various hours of the day or night. For example, you might find yourself suddenly awakened by an idea that popped into your head, and you want to write it down immediately. Moreover, trust me, this does happen in the middle of the night when you start developing yourself. Electronic devices take some time to get booted up, and you might lose your thought. However, if you have a notebook you just quickly fetch your notebook and make jottings, then in the morning, you could type and save your concepts in whatever storage software you use. No matter how brilliant you are, you will not be adept to retain all the concepts in your head. The thought that you will forget, if you do not jot it down, might be the very idea which is your ticket to get on the success train.
Developing the healthy habit of jotting down your ideas also gives you the opportunity to analyze better your plans, and to be able to group or tweak them. That is progress, and you will feel good at what you have accomplished and be more motivated to put them into action.
You are elated now because you have chosen what you believe is the best idea and you are ready to put it into action. It will be at this moment that fear will opt to cripple your mind. Creating doubts about your idea and your ability to implement them successfully. If you do not believe in yourself, and if you have not entirely convinced yourself that this is your time. That you were born to make an indelible mark on the lines of history and you are feeling your greatness churning in the depths of your guts. That you cannot control it anymore and you need to find your best life. Then, I am afraid that you will only get stuck at jotting down great ideas and not knowing where those ideas would propel you on your predestined path of prosperity.
What is Fear?
Fear is the mastermind behind the death of many goals. We all know someone who is an “If I had.” The “if I had” of life have many ideas and are always the first ones to tell you how to get things done even though they have never tried anything worth mentioning in their lives. Yes, they have all annoyed you and me at some point in time in life.
You might have even been an “if I had,” but the fact that you are reading this book means there is hope for you. It is not too late for you to make the decision to change your situation in life.
The only way to dispel your fear is to take the necessary steps to set realistic goals and timelines for your concepts. The moment you decide to continue with your ideas you will feel the power fear had over your mind slowly losing its grip. Fear will entirely lose its grip on your mind when your concept becomes an action. So go ahead, even if you have to move with wobbling legs and shaking fingers, take your leap of faith.
The Fundamentals Ladder Of Success Rituals
Goal setting and time management are equally important on the Success Rituals fundamentals ladder. If you do not set targets with timelines, then you will have nothing to work towards and no achievements to look forward to celebrating. Setting goals is a medium that you can utilize to determine how close you are to achieving your plans. You have the ability to assess and make adjustment where necessary. It also assists in developing your skills set and discovering other talents that you were not aware that you possess.