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Everyone wants to be more successful in their life, but actually knowing how to take the steps needed to achieve that success can be mystifying. Even when you understand what is required, it can be extremely challenging to take action unless you know where you are going. Most people stumble blindly along, not understanding why they continue to fail at their efforts. But this book is going to change all of that for you. In fact, this guide is going to give you the tools that you need to finally achieve the success you have always wanted – and that you deserve.
The Facts about Success
If you don’t think that you are where you are meant to be, you are in good company. In fact, according to a Harris Poll, two-thirds of Americans are unhappy with their life. Most people have not achieved their goals, and are not on track the way that they would like.
That’s why the self-help industry is bringing in more than $10 billion a year. People pay exorbitant amounts of money for personal coaching, self-help books, seminars, audio presentations and DVDs to help them achieve their goals, and most of the time, they fail at whatever they are trying to achieve, which puts them right back in the market for self-help.
The Solution is Surprisingly Simple
You don’t have to be one of those people who continue to fail at setting and reaching your goals. While the self-help industry is set up for failure (because the majority of money is made from recidivism) the actual process of achieving goals is surprisingly simple.
In this book, you will learn that process. You will be able to achieve the results you have been wanting by learning how to get rid of negative habits that are preventing you from being successful and then replacing them with good habits that are going to be moving you towards the success you want every single day.
The Benefits Offered by This Book
There are probably hundreds of benefits that you could get from these chapters, but there a few that this book has been specifically written to provide you. Here are ten benefits that you will get from this book.
• Being Able to Define Success: You will be able to define success, which most people cannot, and often, they have more trouble achieving their goals because they don’t know exactly what success is for them. You will not only know what success means to you; you will also know what successful habits are so that you can create them easily.
• Replacing Bad Habits with Good Ones: Instead of learning how to get rid of bad habits, this book will teach you how to replace them with good ones. There is a very specific reason for this, and it has to do with the psychology behind habitual behaviors. This will be explored in much more detail in Chapter Four.
• Forming Permanent Habits That Will Stick: You will also find techniques for making habits permanent. Eventually, you want to reach a point where your good habits happen automatically, without you having to consciously think about doing them. These permanent habits what will carry you along the road to success and the faster and more strongly you can make them stick, the faster you will achieve a higher level of success.
• Getting the Confidence to be Successful: People often lack the confidence that they need to be successful and a lack of belief in oneself is one of the main reasons that people fail. This book will demonstrate techniques and tips on gaining that confidence so that you have a foundation for success.
• Identifying What Triggers Bad Habits: When you do an action habitually that has negative consequences, it is usually because something triggered it. Both types of habits – positive and negative – have triggers and learning what triggers your bad habits can mean putting a stop to them.
• Creating Triggers for Good Habits: Triggers do not just prompt negative habits. You can create triggers for good habits as well. In this book, not only will identifying negative triggers that prompt destructive habits be covered, but also identifying, creating and maintaining good triggers so that positive habits can be developed in their place. These good triggers can then replace the negative ones so that an entire overhaul of your habits takes place, where negative habits begin to quickly get replaced by good ones and you start seeing real changes in your life.
• Motivating Yourself to Start the Journey: In addition to triggers, you will also need motivation, and you will need a great deal of it the first few days that you are working on a new habit – or series of them. You will also learn how to create habits that reinforce each other which adds to your motivation both initially and over the long-term.
• Motivation to Stay on Track for 30 Days: 30 days is the key to developing new habits that become deeply ingrained in your mind and body. If you can consistently perform an action once a day for 30 days you will be on track to making it a permanent fixture in your life. This book will teach you how to make it through those thirty days, including an entire section on the first few days of the journey, which are going to be the hardest.
• Overcoming Obstacles that Stand in Your Way: Finally, you will also get the benefit of expert advice on overcoming any obstacle that stands in your way, whether that be your family and friends being less than supportive, personal issues that make you want to put off your plan for another time and many more, both expected and unexpected, because you will encounter both.
The bottom line here is that this book is exactly what you need if you have struggled to create new habits and if you follow the principles here you will have success, no matter what your specific goals actually are.
Chapter 1: What are Successful Habits (or what is Success)?
Before you can start the journey towards being successful and begin building habits that move you along that road, you need to understand what success is. Most people only have a vague idea of success. This prevents them from actually becoming successful because they don’t know where they are going.
It’s like getting in your car and jumping onto the interstate with a full tank of gas, trying to drive to the perfect vacation spot. Odds are, you aren’t going to stumble onto it by accident. You need a destination in mind, and you need a map to get you there.
That’s exactly what this book is designed to be for you – both a way to identify your destination (sort of) and a road map to show you exactly how to get there. But in order to start the journey, you first need to understand what success is, and specifically, what successful habits actually are.
The Definition of Success
The reason that people have problems becoming successful is that they have not figured out exactly what it means to be it. That’s why defining success is the first step in achieving it.
The problem is, success isn’t really a destination. Success is actually a journey with stops along the way. Those stops are definitely the destinations that you want to arrive at, but there is no “final destination” that you will get to where you will finally be happy. When it comes to being successful and happy, the only way to achieve it is to be constantly moving towards your goals.
For example, suppose that you have the goal of financial freedom – being wealthy enough to afford some of the finer things in life. You may want to eat out at better restaurants instead of places like Chili’s or Applebees (or fast food). Once you have created enough wealth to be able to afford restaurants where the bill always comes to at least $100, you are still not going to be satisfied.
You are going to want more, and that’s okay. You set another goal – a higher goal – of being able to attend charity dinners where the price of a plate is over $1000. Your happiness isn’t dependent upon the actual reaching of that goal – it is based upon your hard work and your sense of accomplishment from achieving that goal.