Introducing.....The Bribe Machine StumbleUpon Version 1.0
"Automated Social Networking Software Attracts Thousands of Highly Targeted Visitors To Your Websites Using Ethical Bribes!" You Are The FIRST To See This Brand New Viral Tool!
StumbleUpon Bribe Machine Version 1.0
The SU Bribe Machine allows you to ethically "bribe" your site visitors to take an action that shares your website with others (viral marketing).
These "bribes" can be in the form of free software, ebooks, reports, videos, membership access, discounts, or anything else you can think of. Your user get's this "bribe" after they vote for your site.
In fact, you can see our own bribe at the bottom of this page.
Note: The Bribe Machine is actually a suite of BRAND NEW, never before released tools that allow you to suck traffic from many top social networking sites. (Digg and YouTube Versions Coming!)
The FIRST Bribe Machine title to be released is the one you see here today: "SU Bribe Machine"
"Why Use the SU Bribe Machine?"
1. When you use the SU Bribe Machine, your site will get new backlinks - the search engines LOVE backlinks, and your site will get found on more searches, bringing you more search engine traffic.
2. You get highly targetted traffic from StumbleUpon.com members.
These members "Stumble" onto your site based on the topics of interest they have chosen in their profile.
SU Bribe Machine Setup Overview: (See SU Bribe Machine LIVE below)
1. Download and install SU Bribe Machine on your website. Setup is a snap, and takes less than 2 minutes. (See Below)
2. Upload your "bribe" page - giving away something of value that your visitor would want in exchange for 2 minutes of work. (Takes 5 seconds if they are already a user!)
3. Your visitor is directed to give your site a "thumbs up" using the StumbleUpon toolbar. This process is known as voting.
NOTE: You can specify that the user must vote for several pages on your site instead of just one! (Up to 10 urls!)
4. Your visitor enters their StumbleUpon ID into the SU Bribe Machine form. (See SU Bribe Machine LIVE below)
5. The SU Bribe Machine script then crawls that users SU page to confirm that they have voted for your site.
6. If user has voted for your site, they are forwarded to your bribe download page. If they have NOT voted for your site, they will get a message telling them that they need to vote.