Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Your Live Video Streaming Strategy
Step 1 – Research Before you dive in, it’s worth doing a little research and a little prep. Compare the big three platforms (Periscope, Meerkat and Blab) and try them out in person to see what they have to offer and to learn the kinds of content being shared. Once you have identified the ones that work best for you, then you can invest your time in those ones specifically. Keep in mind that you can be on more than one platform at once.
Try getting involved in some conversations in Blab too – it’s a great way to learn the ropes and build some confidence!
Step 2 – Set Up
Follow the instructions in chapters 3, 4 and 5 to get set up with your favorite platforms. Normally this is a simply matter of installing the app.
Step 3 – Decide What Content You’re Going to Create
Now decide what kind of content you want to create. Remember: it should be consistent, it should be based strongly in your niche and it should take advantage of the unique aspects of the platform. If you want to maximize your ROI, then you should consider making passive content by filming regular activities, or you should try creating videos that you use across multiple platforms.
Step 4 – Create Your Videos
Hit ‘record’ and start filming! Make sure to engage your audience and to make them feel involved, to talk slowly and to think about the set up in terms of lighting, camera angle and backdrop. Give your video a good title.