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How to Stop Being Shy
Are you one of those people who tense up, lose your breath, get all jittery and can't think of a thing to say in certain situations? If you're one of those people who have a hard time talking to new people or feel your face turning red when you are faced with talking to others, you are most likely shy. But don't worry help is on the way. In this report we will discuss different ways to help you come out of your shell and become more outgoing. Yes, it is possible. You can do it.
What exactly is a shy person? These are people who go out shopping and are afraid to talk to the cashier. They get nervous and don't know what to say. A shy person sometimes speaks very quietly, so people will not hear them. By speaking quietly they are guarding themselves from saying something that may embarrass them.
When you are shy you will have to work at becoming more outgoing. One thing a shy person is known to do is observing other people. They feel that by observing other people they can improve themselves. A shy person is more likely to understand people since they pay more attention. If you have been shy your whole life, and have been observing people, this could give you an advantage.
Take some time and write down some things that you have observed people doing that you thought made them look great. Then write down things you saw people doing that made them look foolish. You can learn a lot from this information. By learning which things to avoid doing in order to not look foolish, you have a better chance of being able to talk to people confidently.
Another great thing about shy people is that they are curious. They spent more time reading and learning new things then people have always been confident. You can use this information to your benefit as when you speak to other people you have interesting information you can convey.
Because you have spent more time reading and learning the habits of other people, this gives you an advantage in the business world also. A shy person is hard-working, loyal and knows when to speak up. Shy people are better at dealing with people because they do not try to overpower the conversation or make other people feel foolish. This is definitely a benefit in the business world.
Take a little time each day working on things you can say to people. Start by starting up a conversation with someone at the store that you don't know. You could have a conversation already worked out in your mind and try it out. The worst thing that could happen is the person you try to talk to is not interested.
If the first person you try to talk to is not interested, try again. Once you have tackled this, it will be easier to talk to people in other situations. Keep working
at it a little bit at a time and before you know it you will learn how to become
more outgoing.
How Your Personality Is Formed From Family Life
Your family is very important to you as you spend your entire childhood with them. Many things can happen within a family that can bring out being a shy person. If your parents were the kind that said things like children should be seen and not heard. You may have grown up feeling that what you had to say it's not important. If your siblings were always teasing you and calling you a dork or telling you, you always say the dumbest things, you may have learned to just keep your thoughts to yourself.
When you are a child your family is very important to you. What your family thinks about you or tells you about yourself and helps to mold your personality. As you become an adult many of these things will follow you.
If you spent a lot of time alone when you were a child because your siblings or parents did not have time for you, you may have become introverted. If you had several siblings, it may have been easier to just have them as friends then to try and make new friends. Believe it or not an only child is more likely to be outgoing because they have no one to play with at home. If you depended on your brothers and sisters to be your friends, you may have not learned how to form new relationships with other children.
Even if you came from a very supportive family if you always depended on them for company, you may still be shy around other people. As you become an adult your siblings may still be your only friends. Maybe one way to make new friends could be to go out with one of your siblings in order to feel more comfortable, but then each of you can try to make new friends in a social setting.
The more you depend on your family for all your social life, the harder it will be for you to become more outgoing with other people. Take some time to go out and meet new people. Take an adult course at the college, join a fitness club, join a book club, or some other form of social event where you can get comfortable talking to other people to overcome your shyness.
Another thing that brings our shyness in people could be that your family was not well off and you had to wear hand-me-downs. You may have been teased by other kids at school and made to feel inferior. Because of this you may have stayed at home more than you would have liked to. Also as a child you therefore became totally dependent on your family.
Try to analyze all the reasons that your childhood may have contributed to your shyness. Figure out solutions that can help you to become more outgoing. Work on talking to people about interesting things you have read and soon you will find other people interested in what you have to say.
Each time you find yourself having a conversation with another person, you will find it easier to do it the next time. Your confidence will grow and you will start to understand that you really are an interesting person. Keep it up and you will become less shy everyday.
Build Your Courage to Overcome Shyness
Sometimes it takes courage in order to overcome shyness. Courage involves the ability to face pain, fear, danger, or anything else that you are not comfortable doing. When you have courage you can make fear disappear. Courage is a great character builder as it helps you to face many of the challenges of life.
You may be saying to yourself, I am not a courageous person. How can I achieve courage and overcome my fears? Is important that you develop courage in yourself before you try to develop it in your children or other people.