Staying In Touch PLR Article Package
You create a digital information product, and work hard towards your product launch. You announce it to your list. You’ve even done quite a bit of legwork in advance and promoted it via email, Twitter, Facebook, article marketing and guest blogging… and maybe even a guest interview on a web radio show.
The big day comes. You’re quite pleased with the sales. But they trickle off within the first month - perhaps even the first week or two – and after that, you’re lucky if you make $100 a month on your product.
There’s something wrong with the scenario here: Most likely the lack of a follow up plan.
Below are more article titles that you are about to get inside:
Are You Chasing Away Your Email List
Are you Guilty Of Bad Email
Building Credibility
Components of an autoresponder message
Copywriting For Email Lists
Do You Follow Up On Your Sales
Email Follow Up Hidden Benifits
Email marketing surveys
How Often Should You Mail Your List
How To Create Your Email Autoresponder Messages
And so much more...