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The next battle you’re going to wage is with your mind. You need to stay focused on one task at a time. Pinpoint your focus to stay effective. When you sit at your computer, you are there to get a job done. There are hundreds of distractions online and offline, but you need to focus on the task at hand or your work will never get completed.
We all suffer from information overload. When you are online, it's easy to start out with great intentions of completing a task like answering email, and 2 hours later find yourself surfing mindlessly. You click on a link in an email that takes you to a website that leads you to another website with intriguing information in a link that… you get the picture. We’ve all been there. So you need to guard your focus and not lose sight of what you’re actually supposed to be doing while you are sitting in front of your computer screen.
You have invested in this course to learn how to tap into the financial power of the internet, so focus on the course and ignore everything else for the time being. You will build a solid business faster by keeping your focus.
To prove this point, look at the results of a recent experiment. Whether you agree or disagree with the methodology, the outcome is fascinating.
An experiment was conducted with a group of mentally challenged people. Each person had the ability to listen to simple instructions and carry out a simple task. None of them could do more than one simple task at a time, but all of them were able to complete menial tasks on a computer.
The top person in the group had been taught how to copy and paste text from a Word document into a simple form on a website. Each day, he would sit down at the computer for 20 minutes, copy and paste exactly as he'd been shown and then turn off the computer. This was his "job" every single day, day-in, day-out.