Ebook Sample Content Preview:
The next thing you should do is write your introduction. Click on the “edit” button on the right, and make your introduction title the same as your lens title above.
The introduction is the most important part of your lens.
Why is that? A lot of people are not going to read a long list of articles on your product. Although some are looking for more information, which you can provide below your introduction.
When they are looking at a lens, they have searched for a keyword like “weight loss diet pills” on Google and are looking for information that is precise, helpful, and independent. The shorter you can keep the length, in general the better.
Many successful lenses in terms of traffic are only 2 paragraphs long, with a few other modules and interesting information. If you disagree with me, take a look at the top lenses in traffic and you'll see what I'm talking about.
There are also a number of lenses with more information. It is more often that these lenses have proven successful, and the owners are trying to make the lens more of a resource for repeat viewers.
The idea is that you need to save time, and the best way to save time is to start off with just enough content to make the lens unique. Remember, not all of your lenses are going to be getting large amounts of traffic.