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Dish up a hearty dinner for your little goblins before unleashing them out on the neighborhood. With some luck, this will help suppress the temptation to eat any candy before returning home.
It is ideal to have an adult go out with the children and luckily you will not have any complaints from small children. However, at some point older children no longer wish to be seen with their parents and will want to go out with their friends.
This is when you will want to enlist help form a trustworthy older teenager or at least a younger adult (not you?) to accompany them. Never let your child venture out alone no matter what age they are or how much they protest! As they get older make sure that they are at the very least with a group that won’t wreak havoc all over town.
Before your children set out, discuss trick or treating rules with them.
Explain how important it is for them not to eat anything before they come home! Instruct them to obey all traffic signals and rules, like looking both ways before crossing a street and only at the crosswalk.
They should stay on the sidewalk and walk, not run. Let them know that cutting across yards is not only bad behavior it can be hazardous as well. There may be a garden hose, rocks or other obstacles that they may trip over.
Remind them several times that they should not stray from their group, go down dark streets or use remote shortcuts. They must stay together and on populated well lit streets. They should also be made aware that trick or treating should only be done at houses with their porch lights on.
“Above all else make them aware of the dangers associated with going into a stranger’s house or car”
If your child is going out with a group of friends they should carry the following items: a wristwatch, a cell phone or enough change to be able to make several phone calls and a lightweight flashlight with fresh batteries. Be sure to know the route they will follow is in a safe area. Set boundaries and settle on a time that they must be home.