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Accepting the fact that the stubble sound is always present and that the vibrations emitted from it exists at a substratum level is achieved at a later and by the more experienced chanter.
These become more apparent during deep meditative sessions where the continuous vibrations from the ever sounding out of mmmmmm become loud yet serene.
OM is the basis for all other vibrations, sounds and mantras emergence thus creating the different emerging from and receding into phases. OM is also considered the equal link to the words like AMEN, AMIN, and SHALOM.
The eventual state of deep stillness and silence is experienced though the persistence of the vibrations from the intonations of the A, U, and M are still within.
The underlying vibration of the universe may be felt as coming from all places and through all things. Eventually most people attest to the pleasant sensation derived from the bussing or ringing sound that seems to be produced as an aftermath or the original lingering OM chant.
This vibration can be “heard” like the ending of the mantra and may vary in syllabilistic sounds until a more experienced level of practice is achieved. Listening to this with awareness of OM and its significance is a good way to start the vibration element of OM while getting a deeper sound of the mantra.
These vibrations can then be experienced in its fullest while at the same time still allowing for the mind to be unattached to any particular thought process but rather to focus on being neutral and relaxed.