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Filters are a very effective way of managing or getting rid of unwanted emails, but sometimes they can work too well. Instead of just filtering spam, they also filter out your legitimate email.
Some of the worst filter based systems for blocking spam are provided by your ISP. This can be a problem because these filters do not let you control which email you receive and which to filter.
These filters search for common key words and phrases like Guaranteed, free, and so on. They connect specific spam words with senders and automatically prevent those senders from sending you emails again. That can be very annoying if a friend or family member uses spam targeted words and your ISP doesn't deliver your email.
Challenge Response Filtering
This is a really cool and easy method to use for dealing with spam. What this does, is forces anybody that you have not already cleared to email you to fill out a short form or click a special link in order for their email to go through.