Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Looking at a portfolio to choose a web designer is a good way to narrow one's search. It is however more than just a few pages that look good though, there are a number of other things to look for and consider. This is especially true for those individuals or sites that have the same design in their portfolio, the only changes are a couple of the graphics, colors and business name. Since not every business wants the same design or look it is important to find a professional that can create unique sites based on ideas, not changing up a template. Almost anyone can build a website, but can they design?
A Few Technical Understandings
Building a website must be more than putting a few graphics on a couple of pages, slapping a title up there and calling it good. There are many things to consider about those graphics, text and how it will affect the sites overall internet rating. The graphics should look good on the site for a good visual appearance; however it should not hinder the opening of the page or load incorrectly. A good web designer will know the correct balance of graphics, yet does not provide too much bloat that causes the page to load too slowly. This is something to look for when reviewing samples or previous sites that the designer has built. SEO is very important, but it does not need to be included in the graphics or flash because search engines will not pick them up, plus many have trouble loading graphics presented in flash. All of the building programs such as FrontPage and Dreamweaver will cause site pages to load too slowly when they are too heavily populated with graphics!
Good Representation & Organization
When looking at a web designer's portfolio ensures that all their work is well organized and presented in a logical manner. In other words are things laid out in a manner that the average person would be able to maneuver and find them? The site needs to have a good flow to it as well as every single page, with no exception. Make sure that all links, text boxes and advertisements work on their sample sites, those broken links or faulty workings can lead visitors away, because of the hassle. If you would stay on the site and think it was a good one, than the designer did a good job, otherwise look elsewhere.