Here's The Secret To Protecting Yourself From Commission Thieves!
Serious internet marketers know that making your affiliate links look "normal" increases the number of people who click them - and decreases the number of people who will delete YOUR affiliate ID!
Are YOU serious about your business?
Dear Marketer,
If you're "playing the affiliate game" you need as many advantages as possible, because it's not really a level playing field.
For some reason there are people out there who are "offended" when you present them with an affiliate link. They either don't click on it, or they strip off your affiliate ID, or worse yet...
...sometimes they put in their own affiliate ID in place of yours!
However it happens, the result is the same -- no affiliate commission for you. And that really hurts!
But there is something you can do that's quick and easy -- and is proven to make a difference, and that's to...