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The Cost of Solar Power Installation
Many years ago, it would have been impossible to use solar power at home because the installation cost was too expensive. However, with the advancements in technology, households and offices can now make use of solar power because the solar power system kits are more affordable. Homes that have solar power systems can expect added market value and aside from that, you can expect a significant decrease in your electric bills.
How much is the cost for installing a solar power system? If you live in the US, you can take advantage of the financial incentives offered by the government to make the installation cost more affordable.
Before you finally decide to use a solar power system for your home, you need to calculate your electrical needs. Determine the kWh that your home consumes in a month and in a year. You can find such info on the monthly utility bill. Study the bills so that you will now which months have the greatest consumption and the months with the least consumption.
New homeowners can compute their electricity consumption by checking your electrical appliances. Just estimate the load based on your appliances, lights, and other things that consume electricity.
Electrically bills are showing a continuous upward trend and so many people are now complaining about their monthly bills. A very good answer is solar power. Where do you live? The place where the home or establishment is situated is a primary consideration. In the US, you can install the solar power system in any of the states. If you can find solar contractors locally, you can seek their help to determine the appropriate size of the system.
1-5 kW of solar power system is already enough to meet your home's electricity needs. You don't need to cut off your existing power supply in order to utilize solar power. You can simply use the photovoltaic systems as a supplement. This step alone can already reduce your monthly bills. Do you have enough space for the photovoltaic system? For every square foot, you can already yield 10 watts; you can start your computation from there.
Here's how you can compute the total cost: the retail price of the system plus the cost of building permits, less federal tax credit of $2,000 and the local or state rebates/tax credit, less other incentives equals to your net investment. You can shop around for the best and most suitable solar power system in the market. If you live in California, it will be easier to find local sellers of solar power systems because many homes in the city are already solar powered. For those living in other places, it would be easier to shop online. There are lots of online stores that offer photovoltaic systems but try to stick with the reputable and established manufacturers that offer 10-15 years of warranty.
Instead of paying for expensive monthly utility bills, why not invest in solar power systems? The total cost will depend on the size of the system, your location, and other related factors. Inquire at a local agency about the incentives offered by your state so that you can also save money. It's a wise decision to invest in photovoltaic systems because you'll benefit greatly in the succeeding years. Shop around now and determine your available options.
What to Expect from Solar Power for Homes
Years ago, solar power was used mostly for magnifying glasses and calculators. Now, it is already possible to use solar power for homes. The energy of the sun is widely available and scientists are improving solar power systems year after year. Electricity is a necessity and life will be quite hard without it. However, the fossil fuels are depleting and electricity is expensive. The use of fossil fuels also causes damage to the Earth, thereby causing global warming and other environmental problems.
Solar power for homes is a renewable and much better energy source. Many homeowners are going green these days because they want to save money and the environment. Despite the encouragement of the government and other organizations, only 1% of the total homeowners use solar power. If you' re in the US, why don't you visit California? You can find many solar powered homes in California.
The energy of the sun can be used in different ways to create electricity. A very good example is the use of solar generators. The generator is powered with the use of mirrors that focus and reflect sunlight. When heat is created, the generator will be powered. Photovoltaic cells are also quite popular and these are available in solar panel DIY kits. The panels are usually mounted on rooftops. When sunlight hits the photovoltaic cells, electrical charge is created which in turn power homes and offices. You can purchase the kits from online stores or even in your local area. Just shop around for the best and highly effective panel kits; these kits already include guided instructions so that you can develop a homemade solar panel.
Ordinary homeowners still find solar power too expensive and that's the main reason why many people still opt for conventional electricity. With the modern technology of today, scientists and researchers are looking for cost effective ways to offer solar power to the public. Did you know that you can also store the energy that comes from sunlight? This is true and so you can still use solar power even when there's no sunlight. So whether it's nighttime or it's raining, you can use renewable and clean energy.
Solar cookers, thermal systems, and many others are excellent alternatives but you need to know how to use them effectively. The very first step that you need to take is to determine your monthly electrical consumption. You can do this by checking your electricity bills and get the average monthly usage. You also need to consider the weather or climate in your area. After determining your electric consumption, you can now decide on the appropriate inverter. A bigger inverter can accommodate expansion in the future. For people with limited resources or budget, you can start with the simplest projects like outdoor lights and garden features. Even if you use smaller solar panels, you can still cut down your electrical bills by 50%-80%.