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Perhaps you remember the old elementary school project "making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." In this project, students are asked to create a set of instructions for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and then the instructions are followed by another set of students.
The results are sometimes hilarious, and often disastrous-not because of the inability to follow instructions, but because of the incomplete or vague instructions that they began with.
People who have been developing software for decades still wonder how to effectively articulate their needs and the end results that they want to see.
Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet, no unbeatable approach that always produces great results. However, there are some tools and processes you can use to get the best possible and most precise articulation of your needs.
Interestingly, one way to get a good articulation of needs is to hire a software developer with good communication skills! A good software developer will ask questions, provide a series of releases of the software, and listen to the person who's buying the software and make adjustments as new information flows in.
Providers and users may well know their needs intuitively, but they will often be at a loss when asked to articulate those needs clearly and specifically. Good software developers know this and make adjustments for it.
Some very small projects can have their needs articulated verbally. If you want an Excel macro that will copy data from one spreadsheet to another, it isn't generally necessary to go through all of the steps we are about to outline. Projects that are any more complex than that, particularly when combined with the vagaries of outsourcing the development process to someone who isn't working just down the hall, need a more formal approach.
Just as builders have developed standards for blueprints, years of software development processes have stimulated the evolution of an entire set of documents for articulating software development needs. We will discuss those documents, and provide some tips on how to create them most effectively.