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Chapter 5: Expanding Business Contacts Affirmation
I'm expanding my network/business contacts.
You've likely heard the phrase "It’s not what you know, it’s who you know." In today’s interrelated society, that rings true to a higher degree. Your gifts, abilities, and experience will never take you anyplace if nobody knows you exist. So to get what you want out of life and business, you need to be resourceful. Your fellow humans are a vast resource.
Break your stereotypes about networking. If you're reading this, you're probably acquainted with the advantages of networking, but you've avoided doing it for a assortment of reasons.
Networking can appear insincere, ostentatious, or even manipulative. And if that's what you're thinking, you're likely right... about some of it. There will forever be individuals who judge others based on image and titles, but there are likewise individuals who want to establish genuine, mutually beneficial relationships. When you're networking, you're going to have to strain through the individuals you don't want to know to get to the individuals you do want to know. That's merely a crucial part of networking, but the good news is that with practice, you'll get more beneficial at spotting the individuals worth knowing.
You may think you're too timid or self-aware to schmooze. Networking does call for a degree of boldness, but with the advent of social networking sites, you are able to get to discover others with similar interests and goals without being in a room full of individuals. Likewise, individuals who are shy and self-aware tend to be a lot more open and blabby when they're doing or discussing something they're deeply interested in. If you discover individuals who are just as obsessed with self help, origami, or gardening as you are, then you'll have a much easier time building connections.
Networking takes time and sweat. Unless you're an extroverted individual who thoroughly enjoys schmoozing, it can be depleting. Why bother? Well, one way to consider it is to imagine how much time and thwarting you'd save if anything you wanted or needed was just one or two calls away. In the end, a network can be an investment, with benefits that outbalance the costs. You just need to stick with it and see it grow.
Chapter 6: Great Friend Affirmation
I'm a great friend!
Being A Great Friend
Have you discovered yourself contemplating how to make that new individual in your life a good friend? Here are some tips.
Be true. Are you attempting to be friends with somebody to be accepted into a certain clique, or as you'd like to get to know somebody else that he or she knows? That's not friendship, it's self-interest. Every new individual you meet has the right to be accepted (or not) on his or her own virtues, it's better to just be yourself than let anybody else influence you into being somebody you're not.
Be truthful. An unscrupulous individual has no chance of bearing true friends. Keep your promises; do what you say you're going to do, and above all — don't lie!
Be reliable.
Be truehearted. If your friend tells you something in trust, don't discuss it with anybody else. Never say anything about your friend that you wouldn't really want to repeat face to face. Don't let other people say bad things about your friend till you've had a chance to hear your friend's side of the story.
Dig in for friends during times of crisis. If your friend has to go to the hospital, you could help pack his or her bags; if her/his dog turns tail, help to find it, if he/she needs somebody to pick him/her up, be there. If there's a death in his/her family, you may want to attend the funeral — or cook and take a dish or a meal over to your friend. Care about your friend enough to help him or her open up and let the tears roll. Truly listen openly. Stay calm and reassuring.
If your friend is experiencing a crisis — don't say: "Everything is going to be o.k.." — if it's not going to be. This goes right along with keeping it true. It's hard not to say that occasionally, but false reassurance can frequently be worse than none, and it might undermine your friend's ability to come through the crisis as well as one may. Instead, tell your friend that "whatsoever you decide or need, I'm there for you."
Give advice, add view. Don’t judge your friend, but do advise. Tell him/her how you comprehend his/her situation, and what you may do in the same circumstances. Don’t be offended by one hearing your advice and then choosing to ignore it. Your friend must make his or her own conclusions.
Never make a promise you know you can't keep. Good friendship is founded on trust - if you break a friend's trust, the friendship might be very hard to save.
Hear. You don't have to agree — just hear what is said. Make certain to stop talking to hear — so you're not just running your mouth. If you're monopolising every conversation with your feelings, the friend isn't getting anything out of the relationship.
Don't be selfish. Grabbing, stealing, begrudging and/or begging are big Nos in the rules of friendship. The friend will soon get fed up with this and eventually move towards more self-less people.
Chapter 7: Get Together Affirmation
I'm gonna have a great party!
Planning For The Best
At onetime or another every individual will plan some type of event. This event can be small or large but regardless its size, or its target audience, every event will call for planning in order for it to be successful.
Sit down and consider the event that you are planning. Consider the outcome that you would like to see.
Image everybody that will be involved and start to formulate plans in your minds eye.
Author the vision. Start to write all the thoughts that spring to mind. Allow yourself the chance to see the best possible result for the event.
After you've put down all of your thoughts go through your list again and select the best ideas.
With each thought that you've written begin to contrive a plan to see that each idea comes into being. Do research, read books, go online, talk to individuals and get all of the data necessary to make it happen.
Think about making a story board. Cut out photos, words that give a visual of what the result is that you expect use a poster board to apply your pics to.