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Listen and respond to the voice of your site is something that should not be overlooked or disregarded as unimportant or unnecessary for prompt action.
The unprecedented access created by the social access to a huge and infinite customer base requires the consistent monitoring of the business entity as customers are rather an impatient lot and if they receive the response within a time frame they consider relevant, the business entity will not be able to establish any level of credibility.
Assuming the social media is just a marketing function; instead of a whole business functioning entity would be a serious mistake on the part of the individual intending to tap into the social sites to create interest and visibility in the business endeavor.
All connecting stages of the business entity should be well aware of the impact and response the business is receiving from its featured site on the social site platform and work accordingly to satisfy all aspects immediately and effectively.
Leaving everything to just the marketing team to handle would not be sufficient enough as a overall action plan.
Long term strategies and execution plans should be well though up as the social sites will require the complete and ever evolving participation of the business entity to ensure any and all queries are immediately addressed. Although there is usually the prevailing excitement that causes the individual of often overlook long term strategies, it would be better to have these mapped out at the very onset of the decision to use the social sites as a tool.