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Every business knows the importance of social media for their marketing campaigns. Social media provides the opportunity to create a potentially viral message, to build powerful relationships with fans and leads, and to get feedback from that audience.
But social media is only one tool that the digital age provides us with when it comes to reaching large audiences and building deeper relationships with them. The smart marketers know that the key to great success online is to use all of these tools together. To see them like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle that are endlessly more effective when used in a combined manner.
The missing piece of the puzzle for many creators? Social messaging apps.
Social messaging apps are of course such things as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Instagram, and iMessage. Even good old-fashioned SMS should be counted in there!
This is an option that has been available to marketers for decades now. And yet it is one that is very commonly overlooked by businesses. This is a huge missed opportunity however, seeing as social messaging might just be one of the most powerful options there is for marketers. This ebook will explain why that is, and show you how to tap into the full potential of this hugely beneficial strategy.
Perhaps the question should not be “why use social messaging apps,” but rather “why isn’t everyone already doing it?” What is it about this form of marketing that has made it such a little-known secret among top marketers?
Perhaps it’s because – as with so many things – creators are too determined to focus on quantity over quality. What does that mean?
Essentially, many creators will consider a marketing strategy only if they think it can make a huge impact on their numbers. They want “ROI.” They want their hard work to pay off. And so focus on the kind of work that is easily quantifiable.
Here, social messaging falls down a little. After all, you will typically only send a WhatsApp to one person at a time. And that person is an already established lead: it is someone whose number you already have in your database, which means it’s someone who already new about your business.
Therefore, WhatsApp involves engaging in a lot of effort in order to send a message to just one person, who was already on your list. Your numbers don’t go up, and your marketing department has nothing to show for the work!
Compare that to a single Facebook post, which in theory can lead to thousands of new contacts in a matter of hours, and it becomes apparent that social messaging apps just don’t have quite the same appeal for a lot of companies.
But that is entirely missing the point.
The point of social messaging apps is not to try and get a large quantity of new customers. Rather, it is about building the quality of your existing leads. And it’s about conversions.
Developing Relationships
A lead is a customer, client, or potential customer/client that you have a relationship with. This is someone that you can contact, meaning that you own their contact details, and meaning that they are already familiar with your business. In most cases, they should already have given you permission to message them.
When we buy from a company, we will typically go through a four stages which are commonly referred to by marketers as AIDA.
That means:
That’s awareness of the product, interest in the product, desire for the product, and then the final purchase. If you think of traditional social media marketing techniques as being predominantly aimed at the first two points, social messaging marketing is about the latter two.
What’s more, is that social messaging helps to increase familiarity, trust, and authority: three things that help to lubricate the process and encourage a lead to move from the first stage to the latter.
You’ll collect leads by making sales, by getting customers to sign up for various newsletters etc., and through the use of chatbots and comments. We will discuss all of these topics later in the book.
But once you have the lead, you can’t just expect that to lead to sales. And nor should you immediately dive in and try to sell something.
Think of this a little like dating. Imagine that you have noticed someone in a bar (awareness), gotten to talking (interest), and then given them your number. They are now a lead.
What do you do next? You message them!
Wait for them to message you, and you might well have lost that prospective date entirely. Worse, is if you invite them over for sex. They hardly know you! So all they’re going to do is get creeped out, delete your number, and potentially call the police if you bother them again. Not good. You can’t ask for a big “transaction” like this without first establishing rapport, trust, and a mutual attraction.
You know what else doesn’t work? Sending the new prospective date a series of automated emails designed to work for every type of person. It’s not exactly personal, and they’ll smell this a mile off. They’re not getting to know you any better.
Sales is the same. If you wait for a sale to just “happen” once you have your lead, then you will likely lose that person. Likewise, you can’t expect someone simply knowing about your business to be enough to then try and sell to them. Even showing moderate interest is not enough.