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Marketing on Twitter is very simple. In fact, the very nature of Twitter makes it practically impossible to get too complex with your Twitter marketing.
Twitter limits the size of posts to just 140 characters. This means you must keep your posts very short and succinct. You can’t ramble endlessly, so you have to get to the point!
It’s a very good idea to read your Twitter page daily and respond to messages your followers post. By interacting with them directly, you can establish “friendships” with some of them. This is very important, because your followers can “re-tweet” (RT) your messages (post your message) to their own followers, allowing you to potentially reach a MUCH wider audience than you could on your own.
People will not be likely to RT your messages if they don’t feel like they know and like you, so it’s very important that you try to establish a friendly relationship with as many of your followers are you can. This will really help you maximize your reach.
Whenever you want people to RT a message for you, just add something like “please re-tweet” or “please RT” to the end of the message. Don’t do this often, or people will start to ignore you. Only do this for very important messages.