Attention: Sitting home all day glued to the laptop screen, constantly tweeting and refreshing your Facebook page?
Who Else Wants To Discover The Elusively Simple Method To Cash In FAT $997 Checks From Your Idle Time On Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn!
Since August 2010, A New Opportunity Emerged And Becoming A Manager Of This Kind Has Never Been So Easy And Rewardingly Profitable You Have To See It To Believe It!
Dear Respected Marketer,
One must not underestimate the growing trend of social networks these days. Your boss has LinkedIn, your childhood crush responds to your tweets on Twitter; even your mum's checking your pictures through Facebook!
The social media has become a global platform for communication and acquiring information regardless of geographical differences. It is now an essential tool for advertising and marketing purposes, a way to increase both local and global demand.
Back then, it took phone calls and letters (and even carrier pigeons) to keep in touch with contacts. With the ever growing popularity of the social media, the world seems to have shrunk to a smaller size as relationships are bridged through this platform.
Did You Know?
Statistics show that 11% of the entire population of the globe is on the Internet, and 40% of these Internet users are on Facebook. Since August 2010, Facebook has acquired more than 500 million users, making it the current largest and most commonly used Social Networking site. That's an astounding number of 500 million and more POTENTIAL customers, just waiting to be tapped into!
Rising organizations and firms, especially offline companies, are beginning to realize the importance of the social media, as advertising online has the capacity to make or break product sales. Reports have shown that companies are spending mass amount of time to acquire knowledge for expanding their product through the social media.