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Reddit is another social bookmarking site similar to Digg. The sign up process is very easy and doesn’t even require an email confirmation.
If you have a blog, you simply add your posts to Reddit, and you can get a lot of free visitors to your website this way. If your site gets in the top, you can expect a ton of traffic and dozens of backlinks.
When you submit an article or post, the more positive votes you get, the better. Also, the more positive votes you get, the more people will read your article or post.
Just like Digg, users on Reddit vote on content submitted and vote up or down depending on if they like it or not. Social bookmarking sites are completely user based and results depend on the tastes of users who are voting for a particular piece of content submitted.
Users simply submit articles or blog posts that they like and other users can vote them up or down depending on if they like them or not. As in all sites, there will be trolls, but thankfully there aren’t that many.
The topics that do the best on Reddit are: Education, Money, Psychology, Science, Programming, Writing and left wing or libertarian politics. Religious and Parenting topics don’t rank well on Reddit.
So if you have a site in education for example, Reddit would be a good site to submit your articles to.
Reddit users chose what they like based on their interests. There are many social bookmarking sites out there, some similar, each different in their own way and social bookmarking used right or showing good material can get your website a lot of free traffic.