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The internet has o?ered us so many options from shopping, games and emails to simple browsing the World Wide Web. It's been a great place to meet people and promote busi-nesses. Some services make these fun tasks easier than others. One of the newer services o?ered on the web is social bookmarking.
You may think the phrase social bookmarking is completely new to you; however, there's a change you've already used social book-marking and just didn’t realize that's what you were doing. Have you ever been on a website that was so interesting, you just had to send the link to it to a friend or family member? If so, you were doing social bookmarking.
Any time you "tag" a website and save it for later, you're partici-pating in social bookmarking. A tag is a keyword used to describe a website or specific article. Rather than saving the link in your browser (like with internet history), you're saving it on the web where it can be shared with others.
Social bookmarking sites o?er you so many possibilities on the web and are described in so many ways, but the way I most like to refer to them is intelligent search engines. If you're looking for some-thing on a social bookmarking site, all you have to do is type what you're looking for in the searching tool and tags or links will pop up for you.
Whether you're on the internet for work or just browsing for fun, you're going to find a lot of websites that are interesting and worth sharing with friends and family members. You could always call them up and very slowly read the entire web address to them (and hope they get each letter correctly), but that would take forever.
You could always send the link to their email address. However, if your friend is not someone that checks their email regularly, they're not going to get your link as soon as you'd like. However, many people use social bookmarking sites. By posting your link on any one of many social bookmarking sites, it can be easily shared by your friends, family members or anyone on the web.
Social bookmarking is a great way to get in some real advertising as well. Few things are more di?cult than getting tra?c to a new website. However, with the right tags, millions of people can see your link, whether it's for pleasure or business.
Social bookmarking has become a true success story that combines the ability to collaborate online with the knowledge of millions and the social dimension of the ever changing Internet. The World Wide Web is far too large and vast to ever allow individuals to find everything they're looking for on their own. Along comes the search engine to help them.
However, as e?cient as the search engines may be for finding something, they can often add hours on to the search process, espe-cially if the correct keywords are not used in the search. Social book-marking is so unique because it brings the human touch into the equation. They say the Internet has billions of websites. It also has billions of users and many of these users are sharing the sites they view with others. This is what social bookmarking is all about.
Have you ever found a joke or funny story online that you wanted to share with others but didn't feel like emailing it? Social book-marking makes this possible. Say you read an interesting story about Brett Favre and you want to share it with your friends at work. If you're not a member of a social bookmarking site, the first thing you'll want to do is join one of the many available.
Once you've joined, you'll have a couple of buttons on your web browser. Go to your Brett Favre story and click on the designated button to share the link on the social bookmarking site. A tagging window will pop up with your link in it and space for you to put in some tags or keywords. Here's where the tricky and important part comes in. The tags are what are going to help your friends and others find your website quickly and easily.
You can put in one or several tags but make them consistent with and related to your story. If you used football as a tag for your Brett Favre story, it would be far too vast to get good results. By using words like Favre, Bret Favre or Favre and a significant word from the article, others wishing to read your story will be able to find it easily.
You may also add significant notes or annotations with your tags to make it even easier for your website to be found. Because articles are tagged or voted on at social bookmarking sites, viewers can easily see which articles are the most recent or most popular.
By tagging your bookmarks as you would for yourself, others will find it easy to find what they're looking for and in much less time than it would take with conventional search engines. As more sites are tagged, these generated tags are grouped together, making it easy for anyone on the web to find the websites. This is the beauty of social bookmarking, and what's made it such a success story for Internet users.