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This is when the dealer offers to pay off the balance of your current car loan no matter how much money you still owe. It is a common sales strategy.
When the average buyer hears it, they think that by purchasing a new car with a new dealership, they will automatically owe no more money on their current car.
That couldn’t be further from the truth.
What really happens is that the dealership does help you get out of your current contract; however, they normally are forgetting to tell you how high your fees are going to be for breaking the lease agreement with your old dealership.
You will now be responsible to pay fees that are in the thousands to make up for it.
You also will not be able to refinance for a new car until those fees are paid. Of course the dealership can add the cost on to your contract with them at a substantially higher rate.
The dealership only agrees to this deal because they want to get more money off of your current car. They aren’t really doing anything for you at all.
The dealership will also give you far less then the car is worth on the trade off. Basically this scam works because they will up your monthly fees, and then sell your trade in for a more money than its worth.
The dealership then extends your monthly payments so that they can make it appear that you are paying a small amount monthly when you don’t even realize that you have committed to an extra year of payments.
To avoid this scam, you have to bite the bullet and ride out your current lease till the end. If you are really determined to get a new car, then you should try selling your current car on your own.