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Believe it or not, blogs in your niche receive pretty much all the traffic! Not product pages or anything else!
I know in the Internet Marketing niche, there are bloggers that have over 50,000 readers that are interested in learning how to build an online business or make money online.
The key to marketing anything is to find out where your audience is and place yourself in front of them.
If you’re launching internet marketing products then this is going to be your bread and butter.
Although it might cost you a few bucks, this is where most of your sales are going to come from.
You can find blogs in your niche by using Google and the SEO for Firefox plugin. You can pick up all kinds of blogs that receive a bunch of traffic with this technique.
Advertising platforms such as Google are going to be extinct here in a few because a lot of traffic is on individual sites these days and they have self serving platforms.