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Snapchat is pretty much the hottest thing going these days, especially among the younger millennial crowd. The site allows users to send “Snaps”, which are pictures or videos, to their followers. These Snaps disappear after a short period of time, giving users the (somewhat false) sense that anything they do won’t last forever.
Snapchat can actually be extremely useful for your business, especially if you market to the younger crowd. In fact, 41% of U.S. residents between 18 and 34 use Snapchat every day!
But don’t think that it won’t benefit you if you market to older markets. Over half of new signups are for people who are over age 25. They may not use the site as regularly as the younger crowd, but they are there, and they are ready and willing to buy.
It is estimated that over 150,000,000 people use the app daily, and over 10 billion videos are watched each day. That’s a massive user base that you shouldn’t ignore.
Not only that, the site is actually an effective marketing tool, as well. Snapchat ads get twice the visual attention of Facebook ads, 1.5 times more attention than Instagram ads, and were 1.3 times more effective than YouTube ads.
Ready to make use of Snapchat for your business? Let’s begin.
The Basics of Snapchat
Snapchat is seen as pointless by a lot of marketers, but that’s great for the rest of us because there’s less competition. A lot of people think it can’t possibly be all that useful since Snaps disappear not long after they’re viewed, but this is one of the things that makes Snapchat so powerful.
See, sites like Instagram and Pinterest actually capture too much attention for many users. They spend too much time there, and later regret that time spent because it could have been used for something more productive.
Snapchat alleviates that by making it quicker and easier for users to make use of the site. They see content, and later it’s gone, so it’s less distracting.
Let’s take a quick look at how Snapchat works.
Users can send Snaps, which are picture or videos, to their followers. Once the Snap has been viewed, it disappears shortly after. Users can take a screenshot during that time if they want, but otherwise the content is gone.
There are also Stories that appear for 24 hours. They can be much more affective than single Snaps, however you need to have a theme for your Stories. You can’t just post a bunch of Snaps as a Story and expect people to be impressed.
Snapchat Success
For example, if you wanted to show someone how to make your favorite craft project, you could show each step with a series of Snaps. Each Snap in the Story could be a 2-minute video, with a total of 10 Snaps (20 total minutes).
The app is also remarkably easy to use. If you can take a picture, you can use Snapchat. It really is that easy.
Marketing on the app takes a bit more effort (or at least thought), but once you get the hang of it, you’ll see it quickly becomes second nature. It’s actually quite similar to Instagram, and if you’ve ever used that app, it should be even easier to pick up Snapchat.
Snapchat Demographics
Snapchat’s user base is relatively young, but that number is changing. About 71% of the app’s user base is between the ages of 18 and 34. From a marketer’s perspective, that’s generally a blessing since that’s usually the age range that is so profitable for marketing purposes.
Because the user base is so large, the remaining 29% of users that are not in that age range is still a very large number. With over 150,000,000 people using the app daily, there are at least 50 million or so that are over, or under, the age of 18. That’s still huge!
The number of those over 25 is also growing rapidly. Remember that more than half of new users are over 25, which means that the older audience is growing at an astonishing rate.
It’s more difficult to tell exactly how many users are female vs. male. Snapchat doesn’t make that information public. The CEO said in 2013 that about 70% of its users were women, but that number may have changed somewhat since then.
In 2015, a study at Harvard showed that about 42% of the 18-to-29-year-old females they surveyed said they used Snapchat, but only 31% of males in the same age range said they did. But that still means there are a lot of male users on the site in addition to females.
So no matter what you’re marketing, you will find your average user on Snapchat.
Basic Setup
Getting started on Snapchat is quick and simple. The first thing, of course, is to download the app. You can download it for iOS or Android, so you can use it on most current devices.
You’ll have to create an account before you can use the app. You must be sure to choose the right username, because once you’ve created it, you can never change it. You should take some time to think about the username you want before you make a decision. You might use your own name, or your business name, depending on your purposes.
If you’re promoting a brand, you’ll probably want your username to be the name of your brand. But if you’re marketing services or something specifically under your name (such as your books if you’re an author), you’d probably be better off using your name.
If you’re already on Twitter, Instagram, or other services with a specific username, you’ll probably want to use that same username on Snapchat to make it as easy as possible for people to find you on Snapchat (or for Snapchat users to find you elsewhere.)
When you have selected your username and finished signing up for your account, you’ll need to find some people to follow. This is easy to do if you already have some usernames to follow, but there’s no search feature built into the app (other than finding people who live near your location), so if you don’t already know some usernames, you’ll have to look some up.
Snapchat Success
To add users, tap the ghost logo at the top of the screen. This will bring up a menu, and you can select “Add Friends”.