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Chapter 6 Reprogram Your Mind About Smoking
They say that the mind is a powerful organ and in the case of smoking cessation, reprogramming your mind can do wonders in order to be successful in your goal. There are several things that you can do for changing your mind and your life as a whole.
Change Your Mind to Change Your Life
Based on studies, there were plenty of ex-smokers who managed to let go of their habit because of a whim – a spur of the moment decision of quitting smoking instead of it being the result of preplanning. Research has revealed that through the different degrees of motivational tension to stop that a smoker can feel, mixed with various triggers in the environment of a smoker, it can lead to a mindset alteration which can encourage a more comprehensive and complete transformation once tobacco is immediately renounced instead of doing it in a certain planned time in the near future. Basically, quitting smoking has something to do with your mindset and attitude instead of having a particular plan.
People who look for information about the things that they can expect when moving through the entire recovery process from addiction to nicotine usually have more chances of experiencing success. Reprogramming your mind plays a crucial role in order for you to successfully win your battle against smoking. But what are the things that can help in reprogramming your mind?
Education, as you probably know, is very empowering. This empowerment can go double, increasing education’s value when it comes to quitting smoking. So that you can be permanently freed from your nicotine addiction, the first step for reprogramming your mind is changing the meaning of tobacco for you. It is important that you change your relationship with smoking. And as it so happens, education can greatly help you in that aspect. Make sure that you learn about the things that you can expect once nicotine withdrawal takes place. read all the information that you can get regarding the addiction – starting from its effects to your body and how you can heal after you quit smoking.
The value of having other people who have experienced or are experiencing the same thing that you are going through, and know exactly how to push you, is extremely priceless. There are now many support groups and communities with caring people who can serve as your inspiration in order to become successful in your efforts to quit smoking. You can join these groups and forums and use the things that you learn there to reprogram your mind and how you see smoking.
Chapter 7 Use Healthy Snacks Instead Of A Cigarette
There are actually several health snacks that can serve as the perfect replacement for your cigarettes. Aside from helping you get rid of your bad habit, these healthy snacks can also bring great wonders to your overall health. Learn about the best snacks that you can add to your daily meals to permanently get your hands off that cigarette.
Great Snacks to Replace That Cigarette
Cigarettes, just the rest of tobacco products, have large nicotine amounts. As you have already learned from previous chapters, nicotine can be addictive, which is why quitting smoking might cause a person to emotionally and physically crave it. The foods that help lessen these cravings for nicotine have the ability of providing not only good taste but also oral gratification in order to stimulate your taste buds. Quitting smoking is never easy and trying to quit will need utmost determination combined with eating the right kind of foods.
Nutritious and Healthy Snacks to Help You Kick the Butt
Cravings for cigarette can be natural, particularly when you are in an environment with high stress levels. In order to lessen your cravings, there are several nutritious snacks, like crunchy vegetables and fresh fruits, which can help reduce your desire for nicotine. For instance, you can bring snacks to your office. You can cut up several bite-sized pieces of celery and carrot sticks that can keep your hands busy and can distract you until the urge has passed. Celery can be of great use since its crunchy texture will be enough for satisfying your craving and the bonus here is that it has no calories. Apples and almonds are also some favorite healthy snacks of those who want to quit smoking. However, raw almonds, as well as sunflower seeds, low fat vegetable chips, and nuts need to be eaten moderately. Eating nutritious foods to replace the nicotine in your body will make you feel healthier and better. When you feel better, it will also take away your desire to light up a cigarette.
These snacks can be alternated with some other healthy foods in order to lessen the boredom of having to eat exactly the same foods over and over again. Other options that you’ve got include:
Hard Candy – This can help replace your desire to smoke and curb your urge to get a nicotine fix. Even though hard candy cannot be considered as a nutritious food, this is always available and can reduce the task of having to look for natural food products immediately once you feel the start of an urge. Lollipops are also great as you can hold on something while you eat hard candy, mimicking the act when you hold a cigarette.
Chewing Gum – This helps replace the oral fixation which takes place when you smoke a cigarette. Chewing gum can reduce your need for nicotine in cigarettes. This can give your mouth and teeth something to be busy about. Chewing different gum brands with good taste will help in desensitizing your desire for nicotine.
However, there is one important thing that you must never forget and that is to drink lots of water. Water can help in stopping your nicotine cravings almost instantly. Programs on smoking cessation usually encourage people to drink plenty of water every day as this can lessen the urge to smoke and at the same time, it helps the body to forget the euphoria that it experiences with nicotine. Make sure that you drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily to lessen your cravings for nicotine.