Overwhelmed by a Simple Machines Forum Installation?
Want to make your Forum one of a kind & the..
Get Your Head Out Of Those Complicated & Confusing e-Books...
Discover How To Install, Configure, And Customize
A Simple Machines Forum With These Simple, Easy-To-Follow Video Tutorials!
Are you overwhelmed by the thought of implementing a Simple Machines Forum on your own?
Have you ever thought, “I wish could just watch someone go through this step-by-step, without having to sort through lines and lines of tech-speak.”
Do you think you don't know enough about programming languages to make it work?
You're not alone. The programming world can be overwhelming with phrases like, “PHP”, “MySQL” and “SSI”, but it can also be very rewarding-SMF is one of the most flexible and secure free program platforms on the web today-you just have to know how to use it. Don't let your inexperience steer you away-you can do this!
What would you say if I said you could learn everything you need to know to set up a Simple Machines Forum (SMF) without any prior knowledge? Even if you've never tried your hand at programming, I can teach you step-by-step in no time!