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6b. JV’s From The Other Side.
You'll also see why we always ask ourselves one question about the person that we're talking to if it becomes obvious they're looking for a joint venture. Once you can see how this works, and understand why we're always asking, you should be able to eliminate all doubt from your joint venture prospects mind about what you're there for and score even more successes. Before I tell you what the question they're asking and you're answering is though, let me give you a run down of the first time I experienced something that I'm starting to see more and more regularly, the more sites I launch.
6c. The Dreaded JV Approach
*Ping* Up comes a message from someone I haven't spoken to before on one my instant messengers. (Granted I don't give me instant messenger address out anymore unless I've spoken to the person directly, but the same is true when this happens via e-mail). Anyway, a conversation ensues. Hey, I'm a member of your site, and I'm launching my own product soon, I wondered if I could ask you some questions seeing as you've already done your own. Of course I agree, I've always got a couple of minutes to spare to answer some quick fire questions, as long as it doesn't progress into something that would turn into consultation length and impose on the services I'm charging for.
The conversation continues, and after spending a few minutes talking about both of our sites, the real motivation comes through. How big is your list he asks. Of course at this point it's obvious he's looking for some sort of joint venture. Not a problem I think, I've never been approached for one before, I've always been doing the approaching, so this might be a good chance to practice. We continue talking for a few minutes, until it becomes clear what he thinks I'm going to do for him with the most irrelevant things being given in return, he even tried to spruce it up by asking the phrase that he repeated so many times it's embedded in my head now. Do you want to be my marketing manager?
After a little bit of a conversation, it became clear to me that not only did this person want to joint venture, but he wanted me to make his site successful for him. He started talking about how much an ad to my list would earn him. So what was he going to give me in return for an ad to my list? Let me tell you, he wanted to grant me a whopping one dollar per sale commission, on a twenty five dollar product but only when I'd sold a hundred copies for him as the sole promoter of his product that wasn't actually his. It was an un-brandable resale product anyway. Anyone can see that this is worst deal ever, but it got even worse. He wouldn't let me have a look at the product. When I asked him to send me it, even before he told me what his offer was, I was pointed to the sales letter and told to buy it.
6d. The Questions On Our Lips When You Approach Us.
At this point, as you can imagine, I was a little fed up, and after five or six no sorry, I'm not interested comments along with the reasons, I had to log off because he just wouldn't stop. Now as much as you and I can see that this was probably the worst deal ever. It never ceases to amaze me how many people still try to do that without offering something good in return. So aside from the obvious question you should be asking yourself when someone approaches you, which is, is this product quality enough for me to be promoting, I can’t help but wonder exactly what I'm going to get in return with every joint venture approach. Is this another one of those that thinks I can make them rich by a single ad to my list, or is this a serious joint venture, with a good give and take, with a quality product, coming from someone that understands the nuances of this subject, and knows a single joint venture isn't going to make anyone rich overnight?
Even though the above example is extreme, you can see why it's sometimes hard to score joint ventures. It's because of this barrier that's gone up to protect against this kind of attempted deal, and let me assure you, as silly as it sounds it happens a heck of a lot. Put yourself in my position back then, and imagine you get a couple of these very offers every week or so every time you launch a new product. You should be able to see immediately the way you should be approaching this, and the way in which you should be answering these questions immediately taking any doubt out of your JV targets mind that you're one of these people. Once you can do that, you'll get noticed, and you're sure to score more joint ventures.
6e. 3 Important Tips.
Remember three things here. One the equal give and take. Number two, make it your top priority to eliminate any doubt in your joint venture targets mind that you're one of these people. It's business. Get in, make your offer, get out. Don't beat around the bush, because they won't thank you for it. Number three, put yourself in this position, and understand what’s going on, because before long, people are going to be contacting you with these offers, just like they contact me, and hundreds of other marketers out there, and you'll be able to spot immediately who's the real deal, and who thinks you're going to make them rich with one ad. Be on your toes, it's not always as obvious as the above example.
Oh and don't worry about contacting me either just to let me know how a product is, or about a joint venture. I don't want to put you off ever contacting anyone for a joint venture, so long as you follow the above unwritten rules, and understand why these questions are the first thing to hit marketers minds when a joint venture offer comes through, you'll do fine.