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The National Sleep Foundation says that physical exercise in the afternoon can assist in deepened shut-eye and abbreviate the time it takes for you to fall into sleepy-sleepy land. However, they caution, vigorous work outs leading up to bedtime may in reality have the inverse effects.
A study from a few years back found that a morning time fitness regimen was key to a better slumber. Research workers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center resolved that postmenopausal adult females who worked out half-hour every morning had less trouble dozing off than those who were active to a lesser extent. The adult females who worked out in the evening hours saw small or no betterment in their sleep patterns. Oh sure, exercise heightens that other bedtime action, too: sex. (But that's a whole topic.)
Exercise has so many tension management and wellness benefits, and for many of us, night is when it best fits our schedules. Light exercise like yoga or taking a walk at night can likewise assist sleep as it releases stress without over stimulating the body. (It’s arguable whether or not "light" exercise right before bed disrupts sleep; according to sports medicine expert Elizabeth Quinn, it could in reality better sleep).
Yoga, which gains its name from the word, “yoke”—to draw together—does just that, drawing together the mind, body and spirit. But whether you practice yoga for spiritual transformation or for tension management and physical welfare or sleep, the advantages are many.
The use of yoga involves stretching out the body and shaping different poses, while maintaining breathing as slow and controlled. The body gets relaxed and energized at the same time. There are assorted styles of yoga, some propelling through the poses more quickly, almost like an aerobic exercise, and other styles unwinding deeply into each pose. A few have a more spiritual tilt, while others are utilized purely as a sort of exercise.