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Once we have a few of the strategies for developing greater self confidence down from our last chapter of our Guide the next big step is to start practicing what many therapists refer to as "Exposure Therapy".
This combination can be thought of as a kind of "one two" punch to knock out Social Anxiety disorder. For the majority of people nothing works better - and on top of that having a professional to help can be of some benefit, but it's far from a requirement. Real results up to a complete cure of Social Anxiety disorder aren't uncommon after Exposure Therapy. Exciting isn't it?
Before we get into some of the more common ways to use Exposure Therapy let's look at what it is exactly.
Exposure Therapy is easy to understand. It's taking the things that cause a person social anxiety and slowly exposing them to it. This act, done in very small doses at first slowly building up exposure as the person builds up their "social tolerance". Ideally, after some time the social anxiety will completely have disappeared. The time line can be short or long depending on the individual circumstance.
Here's two examples...
Exposure Therapy for Overcoming Fear of Social Situations.
This broad area covers a great deal of the experiences that most people with Social Anxiety disorder experience. The beginnings of this type of Exposure Therapy can be quite simple. A goal can be set to talk to a store clerk at first. After a few successes it can be amped up to talking to two or three strangers a day simply making small talk. Then attending a place known for social interaction like a party or night club. Perhaps later a plan can be set up and executed to host a party of your own. The important thing is to take as many small steps as necessary, not to rush things and to celebrate your successes!
Exposure Therapy for the Fear of Being the Center of Attention.
Being the center of attention is another very common manifestation of Social Anxiety disorder. This fear is often reacted to by a drive towards extreme introversion and often a total inability to speak or present oneself to even a small group of people. One of the first things you can do in Exposure Therapy for the fear of being the center of attention is to dress in something that attracts attention, that is flamboyant and flashy.
Getting up the confidence to do this and interact in the conversations that start is a great first start. Next as an exercise make a phone call in front of people and make a point of talking VERY loudly. Become the center of unwilling attention and continue talking anyway. After this join in on a conversation about a controversial subject. Finally play a sport or game with spectators watching. There is of course many substitutions that can be made depending on your own age, lifestyle, etc. The vitally important thing is to make it uncomfortable and scale your efforts up with time. This is the recipe for success over Social Anxiety disorder.
The more we get used to doing the things that cause our social anxiety disorder the less hold they have over us. Are you ready to start today?
If you are familiar at all with the natural health movement you are probably aware that many ailments can be treated effectively without resorting to using potentially dangerous drugs and chemicals. Social Anxiety disorder is no different. Mainstream Doctors and therapists don't often share this information with their clients, but the truth is that there are natural remedies that can help not only make social anxiety more manageable, but even help cure it.
These shouldn't be considered stand alone measures, but when combined with the other methods shared here in our Guide they can be an absolutely huge help.
Results vary by individual and, of course, always be sure that you aren't allergic or ultra sensitive to any of the items below before taking full doses.
Natural Remedies for Social Anxiety
A popular root native to the Pacific islands, Kava and Kava extracts are known to have a calming effect minus the problems associated with narcotics. Mild and non addictive Kava gives many people relief from social anxiety as well as other problems like insomnia. Use in moderation as tolerance is known to quickly build up with daily use.
B Vitamins.
B vitamins are probably the most popular and widely used remedy for social anxiety disorder. Supplementing with B vitamins has been shown in studies (and real world experience) to promote emotional calmness and stability. Often very high doses are used - a testament to B vitamins overall safety.
St Johns Wort.
St John's Wort is such a powerful treatment for anxiety and depression in some countries this herb is considered a prescription drug. St John's Wort should always be treated with respect and only sourced from reputable supplement companies as their has been reports of inferior products out on the market looking to cash in on its top notch reputation.
Potassium deficiency is known to aggravate anxiety and feelings of depression. Taking a potassium supplement or eating potassium rich foods (like bananas) can counter act this, This is especially important in hot climates or for those who are involved in athletic activities. Sweating can cause potassium depletion!
A healthy treat that natural health experts credit as an anti depressant. Some recommend adding a bit of organic honey and nutmeg to a glass of orange juice first thing in the morning. Many swear by it.
Almond Milk and Almond Butter. Almonds are a healthy food that have been shown to have a natural calming effect. Versatile and easy to incorporate into a diet (as long as no nut allergies are present) almonds, almond milk and almond butter are all great options for the person combating Social Anxiety disorder.
Don't forget a solid healthy diet is a must when we are fighting Social Anxiety disorder. These remedies on top of it can truly speed up the healing process and give us more emotional freedom and freedom to act. A few good Guide books on diet and exercise can become almost as valuable to your progress as anything else. The old adage a "healthy body leads to a healthy mind" is not just some cliche. It's solid advice that should be taken to heart.