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Chapter 6: Stress and Skin
As said before, there are many internal and external factors that can affect your skin, and stress is one of the most common internal factors that have strong effects on the skin. Undoubtedly, stress can affect your entire body, including your hair and skin health. Keep in mind that your emotions have powerful effects on your skin, so it is crucial to manage your emotions for an overall great health.
How you feel on the inside could affect how you look on the outside. As a matter of fact, various studies have linked different factors that affect one’s emotional well-being, including anxiety, depression and stress to an increase in problems with nails, hair and skin.
If you are wondering how stress can manifest itself on your appearance, then it pays to understand how stress affects your skin.
Link Between Stress and your Skin
Stress causes a chemical response within your body, which makes your skin more reactive and sensitive. It can also make it more difficult for skin issues to heal. If you notice, you break out more if you’re stressed. This is actually due to the fact that stress can cause your body to generate cortisol and some other hormones that tell your sebaceous glands to generate more oil. Having oily skin can make you more at risk to acne and some other skin issues.
Moreover, stress can worsen skin issues. It can also interfere with your daily skin care. It is also a known trigger for seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, fever blisters and has been known to impair the barrier function of the skin, allowing more infectious agents, allergens and irritants to penetrate the skin and cause issues.
Besides the direct physical effects of stress, many patients who are under stress also have the tendency to abuse or neglect their skin. For instance, they lack the motivation and energy to stick to their skin care regimens. There might also be some signs of stress-related behaviors, including rubbing, pulling or scratching that can aggravate the problems.
With proper diagnosis by a professional dermatologist, efficient treatments enhance the function and the appearance of the skin. This can substantially lessen patients’ stress as well as improve their skin condition.
When an expert dermatologist treats both the stress and the skin, the skin health improves and it commonly clears more rapidly and completely, as those influences of stress are also diminished. This will in turn help decrease the overall level of anxiety of the patient. The patient may also start to feel even better about the way they look and feel about themselves.
To manage stress and reduce its effects on the skin, proper hygiene and a balanced diet is necessary. You should also never neglect the important skincare routine that you need to perform for healthier glowing skin.
Chapter 7: Genetics and Skin Disorders
Despite its impressive size and comparative toughness, a lot of problems and issues can plague the skin. Harmful ultraviolet sun radiation can damage the DNA in the cells of the skin, which could lead to sunburn or worse, cancer.
Moreover, the effects of windy and dry climates can reduce skin moisture, leading to chapped and painful skin areas. Sebaceous glands of the skin can also become clogged and that can cause acne and pimples.
You can take different measures in order to prevent any skin damage caused by environmental exposure. However, it is important to remember that other skin problems can take place from the inside of your body and are the result of some genetic mutations that you might have inherited from your parents. Such inherited skin issues are collectively known as genodermatoses.
It is highly important to understand the relationship of your genes or genetic makeup and skin problems to learn more about how genetics are involved in skin disorders.
Learn More About Genetic Skin Diseases
Genodermatoses or genetic skin diseases are heritable skin conditions that primarily affect the skin as well as its appendages. These can be attributed to single gene mutations that may be transmitted by just one or both carrier parents. They may also arise as a new event during the process of maturation of egg or sperm cells in healthy parents.
The overall ranges of these genetic dermatological disorders are actually far-reaching. Others, such as psoriasis can be treatable and mild with natural remedies. Some, such as harlequin-type ichthyosis can be serious.
Epidermolysis Bullosa. This is one of the most common inherited skin diseases leading to blistering from just mild pressure or moderate changes. Usually, people have a blister response once the inner and outer layers of their skin become separated.
Lamellar Ichthyosis. This skin disorder is relatively rare. Those patients with lamellar ichtyosis develop thin scales on their skin. Generally, the patients may develop signs and symptoms of the disease in early childhood, Cutaneous Porphyria. This skin disorder makes up 6 different types of inherited disorder porphyria. In every disorder, patients can’t produce sufficient enzymes that generate heme, an essential red blood cell component that is responsible for delivering oxygen to the body. Those who are suffering from this disease may have very photosensitive skin. The skin also develops blisters, redness and painful irritation after being exposed to the sun, even for a short period of time.
Chapter 8: Why You Need To Maintain Healthy Skin
Skincare and beauty go hand in hand, so if you want to remain beautiful, maintaining healthy skin is crucial.
Bear in mind that your skin is the largest organ in your body and it comes into contact with various elements in the world, being exposed to the damaging heat of the sun and other environment factors that could affect its overall health. It also holds fluids in the body, keeps damaging microbes out and prevents dehydration. Without the skin, you would be prone to more diseases and would get infections.
More than a beautiful makeup and a great wardrobe, glowing and healthy skin actually turns heads. Your skin plays a crucial role in securing your body, so you have to keep it as healthy and glowing as you can.
It may be the largest organ in your body yet there are still a lot of things you do not know about your skin! Remember that our skin reflects our overall health so keeping it healthy is of paramount importance.