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There are a number of different types of customer in every market. In the WSO world I usually categorize customers into 'serious business owners' and 'WSO junkies'. Serious business owners have cash to spend, usually make decent money online and a handful are full timers who have quit their day jobs. My strategy with the higher caliber customer is to sell high ticket coaching programs and higher priced software solutions. These are harder to target as they are savvier and usually require a bit more experience to deal with. They love software solutions that automate their everyday tasks and coaching that can help them in areas they are less experienced in order to grow.
The 'WSO junkie' customers are the easiest to target. From my stats I can tell you many will buy as many as 7-10 WSO's a week, will rarely finish the product and almost never take any real action. They tend to be the serial refunder's, they complain, and can be a pain in the ass to deal with. I find a lot of these customers burn out quickly and will quit internet marketing after 6 months having claimed 'they tried everything and WSO's, or internet marketing in general doesn't work'.
The rabid 'junky' buyers that we are targeting react on impulse, and buy on hype. They want quick, easy money, they are afraid of anything technical. Odds are they are going to be buying the products you see getting launched everyday with the highest high conversions, so why not make sure they do it through your affiliate link?
My strategy with this target market is to mail often and sell hard. List the benefits, lots of hype with short emails to drive pre-sold traffic to a converting sales letter.
Every prospect on your list has a life expectancy, and a value that decays over time. Very few of your leads will stay on your list over a long period and buy everything you promote, which is why my strategy is to sell as much as possible and mail 1-2 times a day on the highest converting offers.
It's important to keep your target in mind when you go out and generate leads. If you use the right strategy but for the wrong market, you will get nowhere! For example, if you use a higher priced product launch strategy on a list of 'WSO junkies' who love $7 products, you are not going to have great results. The same goes for pitching hyped up $7 products to coaching students who paid you 4 figures for private coaching, it will ruin your reputation and they are not likely to buy in the first place. You need to sell the right product to the right customer.
The easiest and oldest way to generate leads is with a squeeze page. The squeeze page gets its name from the idea that you are 'squeezing information' out of the prospect. You offer the prospect something of value, and in return they provide you with their email address. In the WSO market there are a few ways you can use this ageless strategy to collect leads:
Put an opt-in box on your main site and publish content relating to the warrior forum. Then rank for WSO related keywords, including product and vendor names. For example you can rank for the keyword 'Jimmy Reilly' and 'The 6 Figure List Template' by publishing a review of this very course on your blog and generating backlinks with those keywords as the anchor text. Products from top vendors can generate thousands of sales, and some customers will search for the product name to get reviews before buying. This will allow you to capture 'presold WSO buyer' traffic to your list.
Another simple and effective strategy is to publish your own WSO's (or products on other marketplaces like Clickbank) to generate a list of buyers. This is clearly the best source of leads and will convert the highest for you. Selling quality products for a premium price and paying affiliates to promote would generate the highest lead quality, followed by releasing a low priced (even as low as $1) report, and the lowest quality leads comes from offering a 'free report' in the marketplace to get the prospects to opt in. If you're considering giving away a free report, try selling for just $1 to increase the lead quality!
Many other products have been written on ranking review sites and product creation, they are hands down the oldest and still most effective way to generate a list of buyers in any market for email marketing. I want to go over a few less common methods for generating leads:
One of the ways I have been generating leads lately is by offering bonuses on other people's product launches. You simply provide the vendor with your auto-responder code and let them give the product away to their customers. When you have a solid list, it pays to offer a mailing for the vendor without commission in exchange for putting your bonus on their thank you page. This way they generate free sales, and you generate leads from his other traffic sources.
You don't always need a squeeze page to collect the lead. Building useful software and requiring registration is a great way to build a list. This is exactly how I built my initial list of 2,000 subscribers, and all of my old WSO's were software that allows others to do the same. Build the application so after the user installs it, the tool is locked and can't be used. Require the user to register it, which they do by opting into your list right in the software and you send them an activation code. This converts way higher than a squeeze page since the prospect has already gone through the trouble of downloading and installing the software. Tools like this can be outsourced for as little as $300 on elance.
This method can be applied to any product, even ebooks. Simply zip your product in a password protected zip file and include a text file that contains a link to your squeeze page. After they optin you can send them the password to the zip file so they can access the product. This works better when offering a bonus as the product vendor can simply send the end product as opposed to having the optin form on their thank you page.