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Once you have your direct advertising program established, you will start to receive inquiries from people. In the beginning, however, you will need to hunt advertisers down. Do not get discouraged if get turned down initially, provided you have all the aforementioned requirements, sooner or later you will find someone willing to take a shot on your site.
Link-Backs: If a company is willing to link to your articles or to add your website under its "Links" or "Resources" section, it is also probably willing to discuss about advertising on your site. You need tokeep track of those incoming links. Link-backs are possibly the most important aspect of advertising your own blog. Google page rank and, more importantly, Google results are almost entirely based on links back to your site. If your site has a ton of link-backs then your potential advertisers will have a ton of clicks and your blog will be especially favorable (it all goes back to being "Popular").
Comments & E-Mails: The same principle applies to people leaving comments on your blog or sending you e-mails. If you see an employee or the owner of a company among them that could be interested on your website then contact him or her and get the conversation going. You may have just found a potential advertiser!
AdWords Users: Throughout your search for advertisers you will notice that most of the established companies are not aware of the benefits of online advertising. If a certain company is already spending money on Google AdWords, it is very likely that they would also be open to other forms of online advertising. Think about some keywords that are related to your topic and do a Google search for them. Check the sponsored links that will appear and contact them. (You can also check the advertisers that appear on the AdSense units of related websites.) An even more advanced tactic would be to use Google's AdWords Keyword tool to find a host of related terms to look up.
Other Ad Networks: While Google AdWords is, by far, the largest advertising network there is, there are many others that could be useful. Check the companies that are spending money on AdBrite, Text-Link-Ads, BlogAds, SponsoredReviews, Doubleclick and similar companies.
Banner Ads on Similar Blogs: Check out popular blogs and websites on your niche and see what companies are advertising there. This is a great tactic that we'll discuss in detail in the next section; the gist is that you can find out what they're advertising and offer them a better or comparable deal.
Bookmark Potential Sponsors: Have a bookmark folder on your Internet browser and label it "Sponsors" or something similar. Every time you come across a company or site that could be interested in sponsoring your blog, bookmark it. It's always good to stay organized and this will allow you to queue up a list of potential sponsors that you can tackle whenever you have some free time.