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Hello and welcome to our short, introductory weight loss guide for beginners. I hope you will join us right through to the end as we embark on a discovery of simple secrets to permanent weight loss.
According to a survey done in 2014 by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, over 70% of the population in the United States are considered overweight, obese, or extremely obese.
When looking at statistics like this, it’s no surprise that heart disease is the leading cause of death among Americans considering it’s one of the biggest side effects of being overweight.
Dangers of Being Overweight
If you are overweight, you are putting yourself at an increased risk of developing a number of dangerous health conditions.
Simply Slim – Simple Secrets To Permanent Weight Loss
Although genetic and other lifestyle factors do come into play when it comes to many of these conditions, obesity will certainly increase your risk of developing them.
Here are some of the conditions that obesity increases your risk of developing:
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Gallbladder disease
Sleep apnea
Why Lose Weight
In addition to decreasing or even eliminating your risk of developing these conditions, there are a number of reasons that you will want to lose weight if you are obese.
Simply Slim – Simple Secrets To Permanent Weight Loss
Here, we’re going to list just some of the advantages to losing
extra weight and getting your body to a normal, healthy body weight. Some may surprise you, but studies have proven all of these benefits of losing weight.
Here are some of the benefits of losing excess weight:
Higher salary/pay
Improved cognitive function
Food tastes better
Increased libido
Decreased dependency on certain medications
Less general pain/discomfort
Better sleep
More energy
Enjoy more activities
Healthier hair and skin
Save money
With all of these dangers that come from being overweight and
the benefits that come from losing weight, it’s easy to see that
there is a definite need to be healthy.
Unfortunately, this can be difficult for a number of reasons, several of which we’ll be getting into in the next section, so keep reading to find out more about what it will take for you to lose weight.
Simply Slim – Simple Secrets To Permanent Weight Loss