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Meditation gives you balance of the mind
The harmony of mind is interrupted throughout times of stress. Whether its stress related to your place of business, it is due to money troubles, or it's due to other reasons, you start beginning to become more and more irritable. If stressful times keep going for a long period, you could even slip into clinical depression.
Meditation is the perfect anti-dote to the toxins known as tension and worries. It makes your mind relaxed and gives you emotional and mental clarity. If used for a long period, meditation contributes to better self-awareness. When you find yourself in a nerve-wracking situation or start to feel that slight anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach running through your system, try the following.
An Easy Meditation for Inner Peace: Breath Counting
Choose a room which is calm and comfortable. Sit comfortably with your head, neck and back straight. Put aside all damaging ideas and center on the now. Close your eyes. Center on your breathing as the air moves in and out. If you discover thoughts invading your mind, try not to let them distract you from your breathing. Continue to be calm and centered. Now, when you breathe out, start counting from '1'. Then count '2' for the next breath. Count '3' for the third breath, and '4' for the fourth. With the fifth breath, begin again with '1.' Go on until '4'. Then start again from '1.' You don’t need to adhere the number four, it can be five or six or even seven. In any case, the number shouldn't go beyond ten. It may cause mental confusion in the beginning, and could be an additional burden on your mind. Four is perfect for starting out.
Throughout this meditation, think of nothing else other than your breath and the counting. You are able to use this exercise to decompress. A lot of times, you’ll find yourself in a stressful position at work, annoyed by the antics of a colleague, or feeling Overcome by your life as a whole. You have to discover a ways to relax.
Start Meditating For Relaxation and Sleep
If you are able to execute some meditation exercise on a day-to-day basis; either before bedtime or sometime throughout the day (you are able to even use breathing exercises at work), see to it that you do take time out for you to experience the release of stress and welcome an inner calm.
Use Music to Reduce Stress
Music is a Healer. Instinctively we turn to music to unwind and to create a favorable surrounding. Delicate and calming music does a good deal for our frazzled nerves. It washes away the weariness of a busy day.