Are You Fed-Up Of Trying To Install Complex Scripts?
"Here's A Package Of Simple PHP Scripts That Anyone With A Basic Knowledge Of Installing Scripts Can Handle!"
- Are You Sick Of Scripts That Are Far Too Powerful For Your Simple Website Needs?..
When You Place Your Order Right Now, You'll Automatically Get Upgraded To "Master" Resell Rights So You Can Also Sell The Resell Rights To This Hot Product!
Dear Friend,
I'm willing to bet that a lot of people setting up their own websites do not need anything too complex or fancy...at least, not at first.
Are you sick and tired of spending money on website scripts that are just too much for you to handle, and have far too many complicated features?
Well, you're not alone. So, what am I offering you today?
Simple PHP Scripts!
Simple, easy to install, easy to use PHP scripts that won't break the bank.!
But are they for you? Well, let's take a look at what this package contains, then you can make up your own mind.
Script #1 - "Classified Ads"
Not one but 2 classified ads scripts - One of these is pictured below.
Script #2 - "Apartment Search"
Not one but 2 classified apartment search scripts - One of these is pictured below.
Script #3 - "Blogs"
Not one but several blog scripts of differnet designs - Some of these are pictured below.
Below you can see the simple admin panel
Script #4 - "Clickbanner"
A very simple, but very effective affiliate program. Affiliates get paid an amount you specify for every visitor they bring to your site. Complete with cheat protection!
Script #5 - "FAQ"
A very simple frequently asked questions script.