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A Silo infrastructure essentially forms the anatomy of your entire website by defining its theme, and categorizing your content based on subject matter and relevant keywords.
In order for you to build high performing affiliate websites, you need to establish a consistent theme, so that Google identifies your niche and can send you quality, relevant traffic. In addition, themed SILO websites also help on-site visitors locate relevant content, based on a category and sub-category index.
For example, if you were involved in the weight loss market you would build a SILO based affiliate site that offered 3-4 content categories, all involving the weight loss niche.
Each category represents a specific segment of your overall theme. Within each category, you would feature 5-10 articles all focused on your categories topic.
To boost your search engine rankings, each category would also use relevant keywords in the title, such as "Work Out Routines", if that were a long-tail keyword that you were targeting.
Not only will this make it easier on your website visitor's, it will help boost your ranking in the search engines for each keyword string that you target.
Each time you create a category, you're essentially creating a folder or section on your website that contains article content based around each topic. This groups your content together, forming a virtual SILO. This structure will also help you rank for long-tail keywords that appear within your category and folder titles.
A SILO simply groups your information together in specific categories that form a theme. This helps the search engines identify what your website is about, and in turns, they reward relevancy points that affect your search engine ranking.