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Any interview can cause you to become anxious and answer questions inappropriately. Below we have listed some of the most frequently asked questions with some great responses. Practice these before you go on your interview and you will be more confident.
What did you like or dislike about your last job? Try not to be too negative. Answer: I enjoyed the people I worked with and made personal connections with many of them. One of the reasons why I want to leave is that I am not challenged in my current position. I really did enjoy working there but feel my skills would be better put to use in a company where there is room for growth.
What problems did you have at your previous company? Always include a positive outcome. Answer: I always tried to solve a problem by talking about it directly with the person concerned. With one issue I had it turned out that is was simply a matter of misunderstanding the information. The issue was discussed and resolved quickly.
What do you consider your best strength? Use skills that fit the requirements of the job you are applying for. Answer: I have always over delivered on my sales goals and received a yearly bonus for doing so. Or: I have excellent time management skills and am organized and efficient.
What are your salary expectations? To answer this effectively you should know what wage this type of position brings in your area. Answer: Give a salary range of what you expect to be earning. Or: Ask for more information on the requirements and expectations of the job before the salary is discussed.
Why do you want this job? There are various answers for this question use the following as a base. Answer: Your website states that your company is young and growing and I would love to be a part of this growth. Or: This job is a great fit for what I have been interested in during my career. I love the thought of having both long and short term goals to reach.
Practice your answers to the questions above as much as you can. Try to customize them to include relevant information about your experience that matches what the company is looking for. Remember you are selling yourself while coming across as a professional. Taking the time to practice can make the difference between landing the job or receiving a rejection letter.