Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Introduction to the Manual
Welcome to the Shoestring Startups video training course!
You should already have gained access to the video portion of this course. As you work your way through the videos, be sure to keep this manual at your fingertips. That’s because this manual includes checklists and worksheets that you can use to help you create a business budget and raise funds you need.
So if you’re watching the videos and want to pause to complete a worksheet or checklist, just scroll to the end of the appropriate module here in the manual to find the tools. Now, the first thing we suggest you do is print off this manual. That way, you can follow along with the manual as you watch the video training. And better yet, printing off the course makes it even easier for you to use the included planning sheets and checklist. Secondly, you should register for the other two training courses in this series if you haven’t already done so.
This includes:
1. Million Dollar Business Brainstorm, which shows you how to brainstorm, develop and test a business idea in as little as 48 hours from now.
2. Bulletproof Branding, which shows you how to develop and refine a powerful branding strategy that will allow you to stand heads and shoulders above your competitors. You won’t want to miss this exciting course!
Bulletproof Branding – Click Here
Million Dollar Brainstorm – Click Here
Once you’ve registered for them, then print out this manual and let’s get started…
Module 1
Introduction: Kick Starting Your Dreams
Since we’re just kicking things off, you don’t have any planning sheets or checklists to complete for Module 1.
However, there are still two things that I want you to do:
1. Realize that you don’t need deep pockets or a huge infusion of cash to start up your business. Many big companies (both online and offline) started with very little cash. Many of these businesses started in someone’s living room or even dorm room – and all they had was an idea. If these business owners did it, you can too. And you’ll have a great story to tell the reporters someday about how you started with very little and bootstrapped your way to success.
2. Get ready for the rest of this course. Walk the dog. Pour yourself a beverage. Turn off your phone. Lock the door. And then get ready to devour all the tips and strategies you’re about to learn. If you haven’t already done so, print off this manual so that you can follow along and complete the planning sheets and checklists at the end of each module.
Ready? Then move on to the next module…
Module 2
Creating the Right Headspace for Success
We covered two things in this module:
1. Completing tasks in order of importance, which means focusing on those tasks which are most likely to get you your first customer.
2. Setting aside your fears and perfectionist tendencies to move forward. You can use the following planning sheets to help you with both of those points. Creating and Ranking Your To Do List
The first thing you need to do when starting up your business is to figure out what all you need to do to get it off the ground. Obviously, we don’t know what kind of business you’re creating, so we can’t just hand over a ready-made to do list to you.
However, what we can do is help you brainstorm. And that’s exactly what we’ve done below, by listing some of the more common tasks required to get a business off the ground. Start with these tasks and check off the ones that are appropriate to your business. Then set aside as much time as is needed to list the rest of the tasks you need to do which are specific to your business.
1. Check the tasks which are applicable to your business, and/or cross off the ones that aren’t applicable:
Purchase or lease necessary equipment
Develop an overall business plan.
Develop a detailed marketing plan.
Choose a name for your business.
Have an attorney research trademarks.
Register your business name (where applicable).
Register your trademark(s).
Get a business license.
Decide on your business structure for tax purposes
Complete the paperwork required to set up your business structure.
Set up financial accounts for your business
Choose a payment processor.
Complete the paperwork required to set up your payment processor.
Buy a domain name.
Buy webhosting.
Design your site (hire someone to design your site).
Enlist lawyer to write the “terms of service,” for your site.
Create content for your site or hire someone to create the content.
Set up a mailing list.
Set up a blog.
Enlist an attorney to draw up other necessary legal documentation
Develop a brand (slogan, logo, positioning, etc)
Develop packaging for your product.
Create your product (or hire someone to create it for you).
Develop a fulfillment strategy.
Create ads to sell your product or service.
Place ads to sell your product or service.
Develop a social media strategy
Implement a pay per click advertising campaign.
Create and distribute press releases.
Buy advertising on niche relevant sites.
Buy advertising through offline channels
Build relationships with prospective joint venture partners.
Find and recruit affiliates.
Hire an affiliate manager.
Create your business cards.
Create your business signage Create and implement other advertising campaigns
2. List all the other tasks you need to complete in order to launch your business:
3. Now rank all of these tasks in order of importance. Remember, you’re ranking them according to which tasks put you closer to getting your first customer. So, for example, setting up an order-taking website is more important than doing your business cards.
Recognizing and Overcoming Fear
As you discovered, sometimes disguises itself in socially acceptable practices, such as perfectionism. But fear is fear, and it will hold you back from getting your business off the ground. And even if you don’t feel like you’re holding onto any fear, if you’re procrastinating, engaging in perfectionism, second-guessing yourself or doing anything else to hinder your business launch, it’s probably fear.
The first step to overcoming fear is to shine a light on the fear. That is, acknowledge it. That’s because fear is a bit like a cockroach – if you shine a light on it, it scurries away. So that’s what this exercise is about… shining a light on your fears. Simply complete the following sentences and exercises in order to uncover issues that may be holding you back. List as many answers as possible for the fill-in-the-blank questions.